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BillCosby Staff Application


BillCosby Staff Application  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Accept My Application?

    • Yeah
    • Nah

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Your Username:

A: BillCosby

Your SteamID:

A: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169859953/

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Seymour#5090

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes I have been punished. I have been jailed for Fail RP because I only waited 4 minutes instead of 5 for kidnapping.

Your Age:

A: 16 

Your Timezone:

A: Pacific Daylight Time

Time Played:

A: 75 Hours.

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I have been an Admin on 2 different Minecraft servers, but I no longer have access to my Minecraft account so I had to resign. 

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I should be accepted because I never sleep and I enjoy this server and wish to make it better by helping out the staff. I am "funny" and charismatic so I get along with people and I always stay as cool as a pickle. Also, I know most of the staff already and have some understand of what is expected of staff members. Finally, I have a good working mic and understand the rules to perform efficiently.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: 6-7 days a week depending on the climate.

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yeah.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yeah. 

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: Exhibitionist.

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Here's the deal. Your application does not look appealing, 

7 hours ago, BillCosby said:

I am "funny" and charismatic so I get along with people and I always stay as cool as a pickle.

We don't need to know this other than "I get along with people"

You're applying 3 hours past minimum "That's not a big deal but the more hours the better"

Minecraft servers don't count towards experience, we are asking for Garry's mod staffing experience.

Overall -support 

I suggest you to work harder on your application to make it more appealing to our eyes and make sure not to break any rules while an application is being reviewed "Not saying you have been punished with it up" "Yet" anyways work hard and have a good rest of your day.

Nota Mehican (MBRP Senior Moderator)

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2 hours ago, Nota Mehican said:

Here's the deal. Your application does not look appealing, 

We don't need to know this other than "I get along with people"

You're applying 3 hours past minimum "That's not a big deal but the more hours the better"

Minecraft servers don't count towards experience, we are asking for Garry's mod staffing experience.

Overall -support 

I suggest you to work harder on your application to make it more appealing to our eyes and make sure not to break any rules while an application is being reviewed "Not saying you have been punished with it up" "Yet" anyways work hard and have a good rest of your day.

Nota Mehican (MBRP Senior Moderator)


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10 hours ago, TTV/CheapNeasy said:


Haven't had the chance to interact with you due to the fact that I'm on break

Your application is crap. 

This right here worrys me. A lot. 

We mean your Gmod staffing expirience, not this. Moderating a minecraft server is much easier than moderating a Gmod server


You have 0 Forums activity

and you have 0 activity on discord

You barely meet the hours required. So this part of your paragraph is a bit iffy to me.




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On 6/2/2019 at 10:35 AM, Nota Mehican said:

Here's the deal. Your application does not look appealing, 

We don't need to know this other than "I get along with people"

You're applying 3 hours past minimum "That's not a big deal but the more hours the better"

Minecraft servers don't count towards experience, we are asking for Garry's mod staffing experience.

Overall -support 

I suggest you to work harder on your application to make it more appealing to our eyes and make sure not to break any rules while an application is being reviewed "Not saying you have been punished with it up" "Yet" anyways work hard and have a good rest of your day.

Nota Mehican (MBRP Senior Moderator)


Were not looking for comedians, we’re looking for people who’ll do what they need to do.

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1 hour ago, gradyhasautism said:

I hope someone else votes yes for you the staff needs more admins because of how hecktik it can be

Yes, because a good portion of the staff team is on a break right now, we do not have a lot of available staff. It will get better soon

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On 6/3/2019 at 3:35 AM, Nota Mehican said:

Here's the deal. Your application does not look appealing, 

On 6/2/2019 at 7:41 PM, BillCosby said:

I am "funny" and charismatic so I get along with people and I always stay as cool as a pickle.

We don't need to know this other than "I get along with people"

You're applying 3 hours past minimum "That's not a big deal but the more hours the better"

Minecraft servers don't count towards experience, we are asking for Garry's mod staffing experience.

Overall -support 

I suggest you to work harder on your application to make it more appealing to our eyes and make sure not to break any rules while an application is being reviewed "Not saying you have been punished with it up" "Yet" anyways work hard and have a good rest of your day.

Nota Mehican (MBRP Senior Moderator)




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- support


sorry, brother, but your application looks like you just want the position just to have it.

you said yourself that you have no other staffing experience besides minecraft, which doesn't count towards garry's mod at all.

i agree with all the people above my reply.

you should work harder on your application, i'm sorry, brother.

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On 6/2/2019 at 12:35 PM, Nota Mehican said:

Here's the deal. Your application does not look appealing, 

On 6/2/2019 at 4:41 AM, BillCosby said:

I am "funny" and charismatic so I get along with people and I always stay as cool as a pickle.

We don't need to know this other than "I get along with people"

You're applying 3 hours past minimum "That's not a big deal but the more hours the better"

Minecraft servers don't count towards experience, we are asking for Garry's mod staffing experience.

Overall -support 

I suggest you to work harder on your application to make it more appealing to our eyes and make sure not to break any rules while an application is being reviewed "Not saying you have been punished with it up" "Yet" anyways work hard and have a good rest of your day.

This ^, Couldn't of said it better myself. -Support

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