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ObeseKiwii Report

Lyren Trou


3 members have voted

  1. 1. Should he be punished bois?

    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes

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Your in-game name: Lyren Trou | Exato Macaroti


Users IGN: ObeseKiwii


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/ STEAM_0:0:503577434


Explain what happened: That mingekid is always mingin around. Rn, no staff is online, he walks around as an ice, micspamming with his "pulled up to ass" mic and rdming/rdaing. .
He killed quite some people and arrested quite some after they started to defend themselves me included.

After i told him that he fucked up and imma report him, he screamed smth like fuck you nigga i will never get banned or smth and ltapd..


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc.) gotta check logs but i have a screenshot of my client console, maybe it got smth inportant in it aswell


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1 hour ago, Woona said:

+support its hard when there are no staff on the server but you know you can start a /demote vote to get ppl off jobs that they are abusing


I do know that, does not work always also demoting someone for sit reasons is punishable aswell as far i know. .  Anyway, i tried to demote him but didnt work for some reason. .   Just works sometimes idk why

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