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Banks Staff Report (MBRP)

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Your in-game name:

 James Charles

Staff members name:


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/):


Explain what happened:

While me (James Charles) , KrispieK , and Turnip were all raiding a base created by a  guy named "Officer Succ" who started to complain that we were "Breaking the max amount of raid time" which we knew wasn't true because in the motd it states , " Raids may not go any longer than ten minutes". So we told him we weren't and continued the raid. After we had killed Officer Succ he reported us for going above the max raid time and Banks took the sit. Banks then began to handle the sit poorly by cursing and insulting us in VC and acted unprofessional in game chat (Shown in the screenshots). When KrispieK confronted Banks in OOC Banks blamed another staff member "Nine" for him not knowing the rules because he apparently told Banks that raids can last no longer than 5 minutes (Which is a lie and we have conformation from Nine) . It's a staff's job to know their basic rules and shouldn't throw the blame onto other staff for not knowing their own rules, not only is Banks an asshole, but a terrible moderator who is blatantly bias in sits. 

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!

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right, i told you myself after the fact that i made a mistake, 

i also had a chat with someone about it as well,

i didn't punish you, or warn you.

and if you're complaining about me being rude in the sit, multiple other staff members do it as well,

i'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus, but. 

i learn from the best.



and for the people +supporting this,

i have made mistakes,

that's why i'm a 3 day old t-mod, still learning.

it doesn't matter to me if i get demoted, i'll still be here, helping people.

i take the sits i can, and deal with them as reasonably as i can.

i am usually the only staff member on, so i try my hardest.

whenever a higher or same-rank staff member is on, i ask them for help as well.

i try to learn on my mistakes, which i have, every time i've been called out on something, i learn on what i did, and i fix it.

(from another report): i have not taken my own sit since that situation.

(also from another report): i have looked over more and more guidelines for RDM cases, and have fixed myself upon that.

i saw a report, i took it, and i tried to deal with it as i could.

i did cuss the players involved out a bit, it's just small joking like i do with most people, i apologize if you took it to heart, and it won't happen again, especially not with anyone else, and i will try to learn from my mistake, unless i get demoted, which probably will happen is my fear.

thank you.

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Just now, banks said:

right, i told you myself after the fact that i made a mistake, 

i also had a chat with someone about it as well,

i didn't punish you, or warn you.

and if you're complaining about me being rude in the sit, multiple other staff members do it as well,

i'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus, but. 

i learn from the best.



and for the people +supporting this,

i have made mistakes,

that's why i'm a 3 day old t-mod, still learning.

it doesn't matter to me if i get demoted, i'll still be here, helping people.

i take the sits i can, and deal with them as reasonably as i can.

i am usually the only staff member on, so i try my hardest.

whenever a higher or same-rank staff member is on, i ask them for help as well.

i try to learn on my mistakes, which i have, every time i've been called out on something, i learn on what i did, and i fix it.

(from another report): i have not taken my own sit since that situation.

(also from another report): i have looked over more and more guidelines for RDM cases, and have fixed myself upon that.

i saw a report, i took it, and i tried to deal with it as i could.

i did cuss the players involved out a bit, it's just small joking like i do with most people, i apologize if you took it to heart, and it won't happen again, especially not with anyone else, and i will try to learn from my mistake, unless i get demoted, which probably will happen is my fear.

thank you.



You were being toxic......


4 reports in 3 days?


Same excuse?





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4 minutes ago, banks said:

right, i told you myself after the fact that i made a mistake, 

i also had a chat with someone about it as well,

i didn't punish you, or warn you.

and if you're complaining about me being rude in the sit, multiple other staff members do it as well,

i'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus, but. 

i learn from the best.



and for the people +supporting this,

i have made mistakes,

that's why i'm a 3 day old t-mod, still learning.

it doesn't matter to me if i get demoted, i'll still be here, helping people.

i take the sits i can, and deal with them as reasonably as i can.

i am usually the only staff member on, so i try my hardest.

whenever a higher or same-rank staff member is on, i ask them for help as well.

i try to learn on my mistakes, which i have, every time i've been called out on something, i learn on what i did, and i fix it.

(from another report): i have not taken my own sit since that situation.

(also from another report): i have looked over more and more guidelines for RDM cases, and have fixed myself upon that.

i saw a report, i took it, and i tried to deal with it as i could.

i did cuss the players involved out a bit, it's just small joking like i do with most people, i apologize if you took it to heart, and it won't happen again, especially not with anyone else, and i will try to learn from my mistake, unless i get demoted, which probably will happen is my fear.

thank you.

I didn't take the cursing to heart, its just unprofessional. Staff should be setting an example for players to follow and admire. If you're still learning the rules you shouldn't be trial mod, that's the point of the 72 hour minimum staff application rule. I know you didn't punish us, but you held the sit irresponsibly and enforced your made up rule which ruined the RP and raid. If you already have this many reports i don't think you're fit for staff currently. 

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5 minutes ago, banks said:

i'm not a t-mod anymore, nor a mod at all soooo.

i'll go ahead and say

i really don't give a shit lmfao

it's mexican border roleplay

and you're complaining

ok dude.

Bruh, this dude needs off the team. Clearly doesn't care...

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