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mynameisnotjamr’s staff application

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Staff Application Template:


Your Username:


Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:1:456443537

Your Discord Name and #:

A: BigNibba#7953
Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: once i terror for a min and thats my falt

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 6 days

Staffing Experience (Optional):



Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I like to help and stop trouble maker (not trying to be mean) some time your staff take forever or they are shorthanded and i really like the sever its they only sever i go to i been on this sever for a long time and i think u should trust me.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: 6/7 hours a day it depeans on what im doing 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: yes i know the rules as i follow them and don't get jailed

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: yes i am im ok with that

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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24 minutes ago, mynameisnotjames said:

Staff Application Template:


Your Username:


Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:1:456443537

Your Discord Name and #:

A: BigNibba#7953
Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: once i terror for a min and thats my falt

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 6 days

Staffing Experience (Optional):



Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I like to help and stop trouble maker (not trying to be mean) some time your staff take forever or they are shorthanded and i really like the sever its they only sever i go to i been on this sever for a long time and i think u should trust me.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: 6/7 hours a day it depeans on what im doing 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: yes i know the rules as i follow them and don't get jailed

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: yes i am im ok with that

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


really bad grammar, i don't believe you're 16. elaborate on your answers and fix spelling mistakes.

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49 minutes ago, Prick said:

horrible grammar and spelling 

i have never seen you in game before

app seems rushed


also no poll

no forum activity


I have no idea who you are I do not think your 16 and if English is not your first language why would you be on an America sever, I'm going to give you a -Support, if I can hear your voice I might change my opinion.




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10 minutes ago, crazypes said:

I have no idea who you are I do not think your 16 and if English is not your first language why would you be on an America sever, I'm going to give you a -Support, if I can hear your voice I might change my opinion.




thank u for the support

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15 hours ago, mynameisnotjames said:

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I like to help and stop trouble maker (not trying to be mean) some time your staff take forever or they are shorthanded and i really like the sever its they only sever i go to i been on this sever for a long time and i think u should trust me.

this is not a one Paragraph

also no poll

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its really not hard to tell that you are a solid 6-8 years younger than you claim to be. that, or you are clearly not mentally prepared to even staff on a minecraft server

On 6/17/2019 at 11:41 PM, mynameisnotjames said:

once i terror for a min and thats my falt


On 6/17/2019 at 11:41 PM, mynameisnotjames said:

I like to help and stop trouble maker (not trying to be mean)


On 6/17/2019 at 11:41 PM, mynameisnotjames said:

depeans on what im doing 

also you could have at least followed the easiest most basic formatting for the application, this would have only taken you 33 seconds instead of the 30 you actually spent if you added a poll

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