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Mass RDM's when Staff's offline


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Your in-game name: Carmen From the Valley

Users IGN: Ratking, Muslim Hunter, want a sprite cranberry, si

Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_1:0:178401024 (RatKing)     STEAM_1:0:444416587 (want a sprite cranberry)       STEAM_1:1:157469513 (Muslim Hunter)

Explain what happened: So my timezone is CET, I went on the server at around 1pm, and a few people were killing each other, then I went in the casino, and people with Prison Guard, Gun Dealer and Hitman jobs started killing me and other people, there wasn't a raid or anything, they were killing just for fun, and the prison guard was using his shock stick on everyone also. I'm sending videos below so you guys can figure out whats the best way to deal with that.

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc.)

I took a few videos because I was unsure if screenshots of console would be enough. 
(I'm really sorry for the quality my PC was having a stroke)

(Be aware, these videos are unlisted so they will only work with my link. If you have any problems viewing them let me know)


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