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Knight Border's Staff Application


Should KnightBorder become a staff member ?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should KnightBorder become a staff member?

    • Yes, he should become one
    • No, not ready for the job

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Your Username:


Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:Yes I have a 5 min rdm and nlr for not knowing rules 

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A:110 hours 

Staffing Experience (Optional):


Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):


Hello there why should I be on the staff team well I loved this server from the start I’ve put tons of hours in this server met new and exciting people made friendships I thought I would never acquire and found a new and amazing server called Mexican Border RP I've loved every hour I put into this server so far and I would love  to make this server even better for me and my fellow players I see all the time when I am on in the late hours of the night prop blocking and many other rules being broken and I would just love to help and try to change that. Now I know that would require many hours from me but I would love to do it when I set my mind to something I get it done nothing stops me I put all my time into and if I get the privilege to become one of the staff members on this amazing server I will be reliable  as possible to the job and try to make a real change from now and the time to come.  

How often can you be on the server?:

A:8 to 16 hour days 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes I have read them a couple of time now 

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A:Yes I know larger amounts of time will be needed 

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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4 minutes ago, .EZ said:

+/- Support

No forum / Discord activity

Your paragraph is basic.

My vote will change based on what others say about how you act in game

I'm not sure who you are going to wait like Cheap. 


-/+ support 

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+ Support from me


I've seen you in game recently, your mature, down to earth and easy to talk to, you know your rules and I overall just think you'd make a good addition to the staff team. but as it says above, your paragraph is pretty basic. besides that +Support


Good luck my guy



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4 minutes ago, Trippy Motion32 said:

this is not a steam id



decent app


low forum/discord activity


overall I am going to +/-support because anytime I see someone with under 30 posts on the forums I never +support immediately, so I will wait to see other responses 


For the steam id part, online it says that if you have customized it, you should copy the whole url. Is this true? 

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1 minute ago, Cortex Crazanity said:

For the steam id part, online it says that if you have customized it, you should copy the whole url. Is this true? 

the easiest way to get the steam id is to hold tab while in click on your name, then look at the steam id with your mouse and then do control + c to copy it

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Thank you Trippy for the feedback I have been trying to be more active on the community I have been more active on the forms and joined the discord I will try in the future to be more active form wise

I will also try to fix my steam id I dont know why it's not working?

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1 minute ago, KnightBorder said:

Thank you Trippy for the feedback I have been trying to be more active on the community I have been more active on the forms and joined the discord I will try in the future to be more active form wise

I will also try to fix my steam id I dont know why it's not working?

just do what I told cortex to do, that is the easiest way

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sorry, but its a -support from me. I have never met you in game so i cant speak to that, but your paragraph has the sentence structure of a nigerian prince email scam. you gotta work on that. its literally two massive run on sentences.

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14 hours ago, Madminimac2 said:

+ Support from me


I've seen you in game recently, your mature, down to earth and easy to talk to, you know your rules and I overall just think you'd make a good addition to the staff team. but as it says above, your paragraph is pretty basic. besides that +Support


Good luck my guy




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12 hours ago, Trippy Motion32 said:

this is not a steam id



decent app


low forum/discord activity


overall I am going to +/-support because anytime I see someone with under 30 posts on the forums I never +support immediately, so I will wait to see other responses 



2 minutes ago, TickleHerGuts™ (Santiagho) said:


Same +support much love

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1 hour ago, The Real Mexican said:



4 hours ago, I Am Ominous said:


Same +support much love


4 hours ago, TickleHerGuts™ (Santiagho) said:


You are required to give an actual reason when +/- supporting applications, you may not just quote other people's reasons.

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