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novum using fading doors during a raid


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Your in-game name:car 1


Users IGN:Novum


Users SteamID: STEAM_1:0:165869797


Explain what happened: we attempted to raid this guy then he used fading doors to shoot us whenever we were in range


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Vorum is infact using buttons to open fading doors but they are classified as windows. if you look in the rules you are allowed to have 3 fading doors and 2 fading windows. sorry bro he just has a really good base.

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2 hours ago, TozzyBoi said:

Vorum is infact using buttons to open fading doors but they are classified as windows. if you look in the rules you are allowed to have 3 fading doors and 2 fading windows. sorry bro he just has a really good base.

yeah, but you can't USE the fading doors with your binds during the raid.

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