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False ban

Nig Nog

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Your in-game name:

 The Real Nig Nog

Staff members name:


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/):

no clue 

Explain what happened:

 Around 2am I was president on MBRP for a little bit and had some stupid laws up that were just copy pasta's. There was another rp'er that claimed he wanted me dead and did everything in his power to do it (terror, raid, murder, etc) and always failed. Eventually I added a law that said " ____ (the person) is a big virg". After a while I died my laws were gone and I rp'd for 10-15 more minutes before getting off. Not once did Ghosty call me into a sit for harassment nor was I even aware anyone had a problem with it. I woke up this morning to play and was sadly banned for harassment and ltap for a day. I don't see how I ltap when i didnt know i was in trouble nor was I even talked to for said "harassment". It's a shame since I even stuck around for a little after president but Ghosty decided to ban me for reasons that are beyond me. I could have easily removed the law but again I was taken into no sit and did not "leave to avoid punishment" since I never knew i was going to be given a punishment. God Bless.   

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!)



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so lemme explain what happened here, a player WH raided and killed "the real nig nog" when he was a mayor, "the real nig nog" changes his job to a serial killer and kill that player than instantly change to a Terrorist leader and also kill the player with his advert, Then goes and leave the game 40 seconds later. 

the Harassment is you Targeting the same player over and over because he killed you when you were the mayor.

* 12:09:59 = 5:09:49 (on logs) 



9 hours ago, Nig Nog said:

After a while I died my laws were gone and I rp'd for 10-15 more minutes before getting off

The funny thing is, this all been done in 3 minutes after you died as a mayor so lol

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Hmm. Fair. Did you attempt to pull him into a sit at least? And as for all that, and bare with me here, as I'm still a bit rusty with rule updates, but, to my knowledge, harassment must be warned no matter what, first by the player asking them to stop directly, then followed by an admin, by the first sit.

I know it might be a bit jank as absolute fuck, but if everything he did, was within the rule set, technically, he's fine, even if he really should calm himself, and not target the person in a hostile manner such as this. Cause admittedly, I do this with friends, and it's generally agreed upon. Where I'll serial kill them, terror, mug, raid, or whatever in between, just as some friendly bullshit banter.

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2 hours ago, Voren Redden said:

Hmm. Fair. Did you attempt to pull him into a sit at least?

yes, i tried to pull him into a sit and it said he already left, you can clearly see where he adverted terror and where he left  in the second screenshot, don't know about the line where he said "After a while I died my laws were gone and I rp'd for 10-15 more minutes before getting off" but for me he left after 2 minutes after he died as a mayor.

2 hours ago, Voren Redden said:

I know it might be a bit jank as absolute fuck, but if everything he did, was within the rule set, technically, he's fine, even if he really should calm himself, and not target the person in a hostile manner such as this. Cause admittedly, I do this with friends, and it's generally agreed upon. Where I'll serial kill them, terror, mug, raid, or whatever in between, just as some friendly bullshit banter.

you do it with your friends, they probably don't mind you doing that, but the person who was attacked here made a sit.

Targeting the same player over and over with your adverts, is Harassment and that how it is on DRP and it should be the same on mbrp.


also harassment x1 is a punishment, read your staff guideline 


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