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Player Report for Beats Women


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Your in-game name: Cleetus Yeetus


Users IGN: Beats Women


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/😞 STEAM_0:0:43816718


Explain what happened: Player jumped down from on top of a building and randomly killed an ICE agent on the USA side from the Mexico side without adverts or provocation


Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV6ZKcPKAj0

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Then why not upload 30 seconds before the clip also? If that's in fact what happened. If you look at my report on a player it is 42 min long. Clearly showing the interaction between me and said player. We can all clip videos to make others look like they are in the wrong. You can also clearly see you have a KOS sign in Mexico. Border patrol cannot build in Mexico, nor do they have authority there. The evidence you have is incomplete In my opinion. Upload more of the video.


 Yeah, check it out. In the video all you see is me shooting into America. Then you killing me lol, look at the kill feed. Nice RDM, watch close. I never step a single foot in America. This is why you need more evidence rofl.

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34 minutes ago, Beats Women said:

Then why not upload 30 seconds before the clip also?

I use Radeon ReLive, which is only set to capture ~30 seconds of play from when I hit the capture button (30 seconds prior, 3 seconds post)


You can also clearly see you have a KOS sign in Mexico. Border patrol cannot build in Mexico, nor do they have authority there.

He is clearly standing in America. American officials are only KOS if they are standing in Mexico.


In the video all you see is me shooting into America. Then you killing me lol, look at the kill feed. Nice RDM

You're clearly and obviously shooting directly at him. I'm killed you because you were literally standing there killing the officer next to me.

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So if you cannot post more than the 30 seconds I don't think that's enough evidence. You can see the kill feed is blank until you kill me. You can clearly see as you pan around that there is no blood from me shooting anyone. As for the KOS sign in mexico, I don't think you understand my point. My point was, that is you breaking rules. Since border patrol cant build in mexico, you cant have a KOS sign IN mexico.

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You can see the kill feed is blank until you kill me.

Hidden by the laws


My point was, that is you breaking rules.

Building on the border is not building in Mexico. That sign is also irreverent to why you were shot. You were shot because you were literally in the act of murdering an officer


You can clearly see as you pan around that there is no blood from me shooting anyone.

The incident occurred on August 3rd, 2019 at about 1:55 PM CST. The staff can easily check the logs and show that you did, indeed, kill someone and are lying on top of it.

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Strange you claim it's blocked by the laws. Yet I can see the other kills that happen in the same time. I also remember the Ice member you are talking about. He had 4 names, so it would be seen. I also checked logs after you said that it was RDM, there was no kill from me. So good luck once again. They will find nothing, cause there is nothing to find.

Yes you were building in mexico, PAST the border. See the Mexican flags in the video? That's called Mexican land, where I come from we call that building in mexico.

Look at it this way. What you have here is a lack of evidence. You said this happened at 1:55 CST, where's the proof of this? You say I killed someone, where is the proof of it? I see no logs on your screen showing I killed anyone. Only a lack of any evidence that I killed anyone. Only thing it shows is me shooting. You also look away for a few seconds, back turned you could see me shooting him. So please elaborate on all these points.


Stop being mad that I killed you over 15 times when you stepped into mexico. Im still waiting for all those kills you said you were going to upload and claim RDM. I want to see them, I think its gonna be funny.

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Strange you claim it's blocked by the laws. Yet I can see the other kills that happen in the same time.

Because, as you very well know, kills in the killfeed stack downwards. Because of this, kills at the top get blocked, while kills at the bottom don't.


Yes you were building in mexico, PAST the border.

Nah, my props did not pass the immigration office. I built on the border, not in mexico.


Look at it this way. What you have here is a lack of evidence.

I have very clear video evidence.


You said this happened at 1:55 CST, where's the proof of this?

The metadata of when the video clip was created, which can be confirmed by checking the time that I killed you and that you killed the ICE agent.


I see no logs on your screen showing I killed anyone. Only a lack of any evidence that I killed anyone.

Previously explained that the laws box hides the top of the kill feed.


Only thing it shows is me shooting.

Except for that I'm here testifying that you killed him and the server logs show that as well.



You also look away for a few seconds, back turned you could see me shooting him. So please elaborate on all these points.

You can literally see that I'm in the middle of a flip at the start of the video. I didn't "look away for a few seconds", I was preoccupied because someone selected my flip.


Stop being mad that I killed you over 15 times when you stepped into mexico.

As we can see, that is clearly not the case; you're killing people that are in America while you are standing in Mexico.

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I'm honestly done, I have counted the time you looked away during your flip. It was 3 second, in my book 3 is a few. Watch the video you post. Pause and count like I did.

The logs im talking about are console logs. You know when you press f10, when it shows it in text form. So as I stated it would be easy to just press f10 and show the kill, You failed to do this. So you just claim you cant see it. How do I know this? Because I checked as soon as it happened. Didn't kill anyone.

Going past immigration office is way into Mexico. As I stated the flag in the video is Mexican land. You built on Mexican land. You can clearly see, and will be told when a mod finally weighs in.

Im done trying to reason with someone who is just mad at me for killing him so many times. You think you are the first to claim RDM on me? Do you have any idea how many times mods have checked where I have killed people, and if they did dmg first? Do you know how many times they have been right? Never. The reason? I play by the rules.

Stop being a salty child.

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Here is an example image, from today, showing how kills in the killfeed get hidden behind the laws box. You can see one kill clearly below the law box, and the on the left hand side of the law box, you can see bits of two other kills that got hidden.

(Note: The image below is unrelated to this ticket and is provided as an example of the bug)


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Yeah, what you don't seem to understand is that I can still see them, even if partially obscured. Check the video, there are no kills on the feed. Hidden behind laws or not, you can clearly see in the video. So unless you are suggesting that they just do not show up in the killfeed, you are wrong. You can easily see every skull representing a kill more than anything. If NOTHING else, you would notice that. Go check your video, it isn't long. 33 seconds isn't too hard to go over. Hell I went over a 42 min long video to find 13 RDM's and 2 false border raids.

Also, you said the picture shows the kill not hidden, but also 2 partially hidden kills behind the laws. I actually see the kill I made and 3 other obscured kills behind the laws. My point is I can easily spot them, but the video you show in the report has none until you shoot me.

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