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Reporting Gulbrad


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I was going thro videos because I had just ban apealed. I noticed in one of my sits with gulbrand (the guy is an asshole so theres many) he had LTAPed. So now I'm here because this guy has been an assshole and I want revenge. Also sorry I stoped and started a new recording at what I thot was the end of the sit so you'll have to switch videos. Also for some reason theres no sound, but theres chat




Your in-game name: RSS TLC Greg Dendrickson


Users IGN: Gulbrand


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/😞 STEAM_0:0:443280540


Explain what happened: After beign in a sit with this asshole he had LTAPed


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc.)




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