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Applying for Staff


Suho's Staff Application  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become staff

    • Yes
    • No

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Your Username:

A: Suho

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:87187673

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Suho#6660

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes, 3 days for breaking NLR. Jailed x2 for RDM as Border Patrol

Your Age:

A: 21

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 4 days

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: WoW private servers ( head admin, developer and co-owner). None in Gmod.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A:  I believe my experience in different games with players will be of great assistance to this community. Knowledgeable on how to deescalate situations, I am fair, I do not favor friends or acquaintances.  Furthermore I go out of my way to help players, letting them know what requirements are needed to be met for their base/border wall/raiding and anything else they ask of. Having this position will enable me to help them even further. Since I started playing this server I really enjoyed it and haven't stopped playing since then. Just want to add that being banned and jailed, I see it as learning experience and a strength where I read the server rules many times to know every single one of them and not break any rules again.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Almost Every day for 3 hours.  On weekends for longer time.

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: Exhibitionist 

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Inactive on discord 

Barley active on forums

Afk most the time i see you in game

You don't really stand out at all

Small and bad paragraph 

3 hours a day isnt that long

Edit: You also were in a party with someone who is in your gang that rdmed 4 people while he was a gun dealer and we were raiding your white house.

Edit 2: your friend who rdmed 4 people just got banned for failrpx2  rdmx2 and rdm in a sit which doesn't look good on your part considering you were banned aswell.

Edit 3: He just messaged me on discord to argue with me about me - 1 he's application.

Edit 4: Him and he's friends in his NBK gang put a large amount of hits on me because I got he's friend no name banned + I -supported his application (names are: SUho big dick rick and no name.)

This is not acceptable for someone who wants to become staff.



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•Have seen you “helping” a player who didn’t know how to build something.  So teaching is a plus for a good staff member.

•Talked with you  before ingame and you come across like a neutral guy.


•Did not read over TOS Correctly.

•Haven’t seen much of you in game but that could be because we live in different time zones.

•Can be a minge at times.

+/- support

over all +/- support for not  knowing enough about suho. Past ban is not good but everyone has a learning point from which they start from. I hope that if you do become staff, you accept the responsibility in making the server a better place for everyone.  Good luck bud.


Edit: For the recent jail for rdming someone. I would have to give -support. A staff member should be the one leading by example. Not causing the chaos. Good luck bud.

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You're a borderline minge, you make up an act for every staff member to make it seem like you are nice and helpful. But in reality when I spectate you, you harass people, RDM and break all sorts of rules. Your discord/forum activity is trash, don't make up an act and change yourself for the better.


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1 hour ago, drangia! said:

You're a borderline minge, you make up an act for every staff member to make it seem like you are nice and helpful. But in reality when I spectate you, you harass people, RDM and break all sorts of rules. Your discord/forum activity is trash, don't make up an act and change yourself for the better.


lmao. Straight up clown moment brother.
Cool cat.
Kinda toxic. "Like me"

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39 minutes ago, Louis Vuitton Anus said:


helped me figure out how to do 1 way see through props

answered countless questions for me about the rules

always giving advice about how bases are to be constructed

hey alot of these down votes are from andy's friends this dosent seem very fair in my opinion

can't support this app.


-support for all the reasons above

an actual minge

pretends to help but in reality is a terrible player


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11 hours ago, Louis Vuitton Anus said:


helped me figure out how to do 1 way see through props

answered countless questions for me about the rules

always giving advice about how bases are to be constructed

hey alot of these down votes are from andy's friends this dosent seem very fair in my opinion


No, these aren't from my friends this was a pm in game to linglong so he could see the evidence i posted. He actually +1 so dont try and take it out of context to make me look bad. It's also immature of linglong to post this thinking im trying to get people to -1 suho's app.

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