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user report for three

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Your in game name:

Sage of the six paths


Users IGN:

Gerry Jank, Carlos kardashian, and RB


Users steam ID:

Gerry Jank -   Steam_0:0:487698822

Carlos kardashian -   Steam_0:0:36992776

Rb  -    Steam_0:1:128583925


Explain what happened: 

Gerry Jank adverted murder as a theif and rdmed a player.(video proof) 

Gerry jank, Carlos kardashian, and rb chose to not only prop block one base but also continued to prop block more building in the game including the white house. Carlos kardashian ended us changing his name mid game to yanke mieckowski.  Rb or gerry Jank ended up changing their name to  chachaman02 but I couldn't remember which one.(video proof)



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