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Valentina staff app

Valentina Rios

should i get it  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i

    • yes
    • no

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Your Username:

A:Valentina Rios

Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:Yea about a year ago i think reason Ltap by khoja on mbrp

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A:8 days and 7 hours or so

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A:MOD on MBRP (i lasted around a year or so), MOD on reborn jedi V sith

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A:I feel like i should be accepted on the staff team because i've learned from my mistakes and i toke a long break to learn and gain some more experiences in staffing so i can help the development of MBRP once again. Ive been coming on the server  and seeing that the player count has been getting lower and lower everyday also that can be contributed to the staff activity. What i mean by it is there is mass KOS, fail RP, happening but theres no staff to prevent it from occurring. When i was staff this rarely happen because of the activity of the staff team. So im coming back to MBRP to help it out to regain a playbase once again to prevent these rouge players from ruining the server even more. Also i feel that i can teach the current staff team some news things regarding the player base and the gold ole days on here. i miss the old map :(

How often can you be on the server?:


Are you familiar with the rules?:

A:Yes very

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?


What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


Edited August 11 by Damplips

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Your application is pretty mediocre. I'm also pretty sure you just copied your last one but whatever.

You just came back and I had to jail you today for breaking NLR 2 times so not the best first impression.


You should also work on getting your discord activity up


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32 minutes ago, drangia! said:

Your application is pretty mediocre. I'm also pretty sure you just copied your last one but whatever.

You just came back and I had to jail you today for breaking NLR 2 times so not the best first impression.


You should also work on getting your discord activity up


um no its not copied? thanks for the support nice words coming from a admin

not going to argue with you about that 

its fun when those kids are killing you in spawn but w.e

ik its a bad first impression but you know you gotta give everyone a chance 



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•  Ex-Staff


• The paragraph could definitely use some work. Grammar is pretty bad.

• Responding to comments in a negative way is immature. Using the phrase ”I’m not going to argue with you” is indeed arguing. That way a thinking changes though. Overtime maturity blossoms and can create very open-minded people. 

• Recently being jailed is not good for someone who just came back and wants to be a T-mod.


- Support

I do hope you eventually become an asset to the server. Your reputation as of the moment seems little known but that can change. 
I would definitely like to see what kind of player you are. Good luck bud!! 👍🏼

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+ Support Reasons

-Decent amount of hours

+/- Support Reasons

-Minor grammar mistakes in paragraph (Not a big issues)

-Staffing experience

-Paragraph could use more work on it

- Support Reasons

-Jailed for NLRx2 recently according to @drangia!

6 hours ago, drangia! said:

You just came back and I had to jail you today for breaking NLR 2 times so not the best first impression.

Overall +/-Support. Good luck.

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- Inactive on forums and discord for the most part

-Immature ( Insulted people because of their answer )

-Jailed after making app 

-Bland app 

Over all I think you need to gain some more maturity because you seem like a minge and not fit for staff at all. You were a mod. And when a S Admin comments on your staff app you literally talk shit about him like you were almighty and higher then him lmao. Good Luck though !

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