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[CG:RP]ChillBeanz Prop block


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Your in-game name: Rambunctios Ramboni


Users IGN: ChillBeanz


Users SteamID: STEAM_0:0:187257642


Explain what happened: I was gambling in a casino, then ChillBeanz came over and propblocked it, after asking him about it in OOC he removed it, then after around 2 minutes later he prop blocks it again.

He claims that it's part of his "Condition that causes me to spawn props randomly".


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc.


First image is the original owner of the building, second image is chill's propblock, and third image is the second time he PB'd.20200204064856_1.thumb.jpg.c18f1a99c3fcf0aa485b2ef142b38235.jpg20200204064851_1.thumb.jpg.e38eec1e1c6bdb2e476c0ae7357a3570.jpg20200204070112_2.thumb.jpg.e70b629f707909f151f37a930c791fc1.jpg

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