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dakotahickman80 Staff Application



7 members have voted

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Username: dakotahickman80/dakota8011


Your SteamID? Ex. STEAM_0:0:71487010: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409525963/


Your Discord Name and #: dakota804#4349


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:  RDM and one was a guy play he admin and I was pban for walk down the street it was fix.


Your Age: 16


Your Timezone: PTS


Time Played: 1 week


Staffing Experience (Optional): N/A


Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): I am good at putting together and keeping groups that function well as a team and become very productive and reliable.


How often can you be on the server?: All day.


Are you familiar with the rules?: Yes.


Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

: Yes.

Have you read the TOS? (here) Your application will be denied if you do not read these! :

: Yes.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, Exhibitionist, User): VIP+

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  • dakotahickman80 changed the title to dakotahickman80 Staff Application

- Not a paragraph

- Didn't follow TOS

- Recent punishments

- Didn't specify how long he can be on no one can be on all day. How long per day?

-/+ Haven't seen you but probably because of timezones


Overall a - Support from me!

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