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Sgt Gold Staff Report


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Your in-game name: WilliamBUTLICKER


Staff members name: Sgt Gold


Staff member SteamID: (http://steamidfinder.com/)  STEAM_0:0:45038484


Explain what happened: So i got jailed for supposely failure to listen to staff so i made a ticket saying i got jailed cause of my first amendment of america freedom of speech and im thinking about making a staff report on sgt gold and he better not take this ticket then he took the ticket and started arguing with me then said im gonna get banned then i started walking around jail and then he tped to me and said im warning you your gonna get banned for 2 days for false reports 


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!)





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i really hope you just get bannd of the fourms for false staff report i told you to stop three times you where kick i told make an other its a ban stop being a minge and make reports for no reason waste our time and the managers time

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Just stop brother.

Although off the game you do have freedom of speech the server has rules set in place limiting speech to limit toxicity. 

I'm not sure why you haven't been perma banned yet you're a minge, a toxic person, and you've threatened to ddos the server on multiple occasions. Gold should be making a report on you if anything.

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First of all, you're a huge minge. None of this would happen if you didn't harass Sgt Gold and other members of the staff team. All you do is spam ooc with idiotic messages, place offensive text signs on the map and make stupid staff reports for no reason. You're just wasting everyones time. You should be permanently banned from the forums and from the server.

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2 minutes ago, Walter Black said:


Just stop brother.

Although off the game you do have freedom of speech the server has rules set in place limiting speech to limit toxicity. 

I'm not sure why you haven't been perma banned yet you're a minge, a toxic person, and you've threatened to ddos the server on multiple occasions. Gold should be making a report on you if anything.

i have never threathened to ddos the server


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