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Report on Gulbran,Mattchu,Frogmanjones

[GL] Azius

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Users IGN:

 Gulbran, Mattchu, Frogmanjones

Users SteamID:

STEAM_0:1:510237033 - Frogmanjones STEAM_0:0:68715352 - Mattchu STEAM_0:0:443280540 -Gulbrand

Explain what happened:

Prop abusing/glitching through my props

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence)




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Hey Azius, my friend was showing me this glitch which i didn't no was this and i had no clue that it did that and was my first time using runner and did not know i could go through props like that. im sorry for causing you trouble its not really my fault because he said it can help you run faster as runner then he brought me into your base, it will never happen again and i had learned my lesson to not trust him and i have blocked him. If you want any compensation feel free to message me. 

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