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Yat Yat Fleeto


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Yat Yat Fleeto




Background Info

This gang was created in late febuary as a joke between friends but has branched out into a bigger more powerful gang. The Yat Yat Fleeto is a real gang in scotland which is why we named it this. We have been trying to grow bigger and thought this would be a good idea to try and gain more members.





Fleeto Madlads:


Ca llum

blue car


Fleeto Roadman:



Senior Taco

(Lower roles)


How to join?

Either meet one of the higher ups in the gang (E.G: Rajeet, Santandave, --AidaN-- ect...) and ask to join the gang,


You can put on this post a small application to get a in-game invite without meeting one of us.

In-game name:

Previous Gang (If none leave clear):

How often do you play?:

Why do you want to join the gang?:



We look forward to adding more people to the gang!

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3 minutes ago, SexDrugsAndViolence said:

In-game name: xX2inchClitCrusaderXx

Previous Gang (If none leave clear): cheese gang

How often do you play?: When my mom let's me get on the pc. Usually after I finish all my homework and if I am good boy.

Why do you want to join the gang?: Why not?

Cheese Gang pretty bad lol :) 

Best App 

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