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yenan ban report


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this admin is no clipping into the white house as citizen spamming the n-word on his stream stream sniping dubsack  

Evidence: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/624504100 start at 3 hours and 20 minutes


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It wasnt a sit KEKW He quite literally just no clipped into the White house, then starts saying thats illegal. I called him out on the fact that he no-clipped to see that and his response that was he saw it in the stream which is just Fail RP

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+He should be talked to about saying the n-word as a staff member.

-But he is allowed to clip through a base if somebody is breaking the rules which you and your friend were. I'm honestly not sure why you are making this, we were very lenient with you guys even though you had been breaking many rules and were very disrespectful.

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2 minutes ago, king_of_bofa said:

yes but he is no cliping and then just sitting there hes abuzing his power


That's not abuse and he was calling me there so I could inform you guys that you cannot have printers in the white house because you were not listening to him.

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4 minutes ago, CHERRY said:

you're missing the big picture. review my previous post. thank you.

I have read your other post and it simply isnt true as trial staff dont have the power to perma ban and also we punish by evidence which we would have to document most of the time

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+support I can understand the no clipping but cmon man your a staff member if you can't be mature enough not to spam the nword because "oh look its a streamer let me make a funny and be racist for no reason" then you should be a staffer. I've seen staff members demoted from head administer because they used this word. And for @Codsta04's comment , if you agree with staffers being racist then good for you. But that's not something you should be doing when your the one stopping Minges and rule breakers. Is unproffetional and shouldn't happen.

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10 minutes ago, CHERRY said:

when the examples of bans i mentioned include a note to upgrade to a perma which are followed through with a blind lack of evidence, my note remains sound. i've never had any issues with yourself or walter;  its just the specific minority that ruin it for the majority. And again, if it helps, please review the rest of what i said i have seen going on. thank you.

I hate to butt in but when they ban someone they ban them one the discord with proof attached to it so idk what you mean by blind lack of eveidence

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The only part of this I support is the part where yenan is "spamming the n-word" he should be spoken to for this.



But on the other matter with the "admin abuse" is just Yenan taking a sit, hes allowed to no-clip in to deal with such parties that are "breaking rules" as the party in question of making the report, had a printer as a government official. In which proves Yenan was in the right to no-clip into the white house.

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-There is no rules against speech besides doxxing and DDoS threats.

-He cannot failrp if he’s not rp’ing. AOD is not RP.

-No US official is allowed to be corrupt. So having printers or bitminers is failrp.


YeNaN did nothing wrong imo except being a bit of a minge when RPing. 

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The staff was doing his job, for the government officials breaking the rules.

The staff member never said the n-word (message me with a timestamp if I missed it).

There would only be meta gaming if something happened in rp, like a raid or someone always knows your location. Streaming yourself breaking the rules is proof for any staff member, it is not meta gaming.

(Also tmods can only ban for a max of 16 hours. So there is no such thing as tmods perm banning everyone they see.)


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