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6/05/2020 update


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  • Removed the police radio(rad-15) was too broken.
  • Disabled players needing to be wanted to arrest them
  • Re-disabled sprays
  • Increased the restricted job timer for police due to the recent arrest system change
    Juggernaut from 6 hours to 8 hours
    Secret Service from 3 hours to 4 hours
    Police Chief from 2 hours to 3 hours
    Police Officer from 1 hour to 2 hours
    Police Flash from 30 minutes to 1 hour
    S.W.A.T Member stays the same
    S.W.A.T Chief stays the same
    S.W.A.T Sniper stays the same
    Mayor stays the same
    Police Medic stays the same
  • Removed the arrest baton from Mayor
  • Removed the arrest baton from Police Medic
  • Fixed battering ram for the last time hopefully
  • Police can no longer arrest other police
  • Disabled dynamic voice
  • Re-enabled writing letters
  • Decreased search warrant timer from 10 minutes to 5 minutes
  • Removed the delay between spawning shipments
  • Decreased the wanted time from 15 minutes to 5 minutes
  • Fixed ability to fading door textscreens
  • You can now see who owns the printer you are looking at
  • Fixed Pissed Baby's tag showing up as a job that can Base
  • Increased the max shark limit from 3 to 6
  • Decreased the cooldown on emotes from 25 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Increased the amount of slots in emote wheel by rank
  • Added 1 new rainbow animated star glasses
  • Added 1 new rainbow animated backpack
  • Added 1 new rainbow animated wings
  • Replaced the Blundergat in tier 3 police equipment upgrade with a Barret m82
  • Replaced the M4A1 Beast in tier 7 police equipment upgrade with a Blundergat
  • Buffed "Police Salaries" upgrades
  • Buffed "Police Protection" upgrades
  • Buffed "Police Health" upgrades
  • Increased the max storage limits in "Storage of city funds" upgrades
  • Fixed the first upgrade in "Storage of city funds" upgrades
  • Disabled 3d sound voice chat


  • Fixed battering ram for the last time hopefully
  • Removed baby god (Not needed anymore now that there is a safe zone)
  • Disabled dynamic voice
  • Removed the delay between spawning shipments
  • Increased wanted time from 2 minutes to 5 minutes
  • Increased warrant time from 1 minute to 5 minutes
  • Removed the shotgun from Coyote
  • Added speed swep to ICE SRT SNIPER
  • Junkie no longer spawns with 115 health
  • Decreased the price of all chef items by 50%
  • Categorized all the shipments to make it easier to look through
  • Fixed ability to fading door textscreens
  • You can now see who owns the printer you are looking at
  • Changed the color of Foreigner
  • You can no longer drop/inventory the kidnap baton
  • Changed up default law 4 from "White House second floor is AOS/KOS" to "Past the White House Lobby is AOS/KOS"
  • Increased the slots on Runner job to 8
  • Disabled 3d sound voice chat
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17 hours ago, Miskie said:

Disabled players needing to be wanted to arrest them

Increased the max storage limits in "Storage of city funds" upgrades

Fixed the first upgrade in "Storage of city funds" upgrades

Fixed battering ram for the last time hopefully

Buffed "Police Salaries" upgrades
Buffed "Police Protection" upgrades
Buffed "Police Health" upgrades



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