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Propblock at Border


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Users IGN: Tohka_Best_Girl, nbnn


Users SteamID:    Tohka_Best_Girl: 76561198161615046    nbnn: 76561198287912428 



Explain what happened: Tohka_Best_Girl snuck into the border patrol room and killed me. When I returned, I saw that she put a prop in front of the door into the border patrol room to block me from coming inside. nbnn was propblocking the up stairs part of the border.


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence)

Garry's Mod 6_6_2020 3_55_36 AM.png

Garry's Mod 6_6_2020 3_52_07 AM.png

Garry's Mod 6_6_2020 4_09_25 AM.png

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