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Cardigan ban report


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Your in-game name: Zeel ss


Staff members name: Cardigan


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:460155398


Explain what happened: WTF! i got falsely banned for rdm x12 even tho i adverted rdm wtf thats retarded everyone tell miskie to free me. cardigan banned me for no reason wtffff!! seriously i think i should get unbanned cuz cardigan made a mistake im gonna miss my boys in mbrp. i gonna miss my boys bean boy, insert and the other guy that i forgot the name of but yeah can everyone riot like i need to get unbanned!


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required! Saying "just check server logs" isn't evidence.)

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10 minutes ago, --Sugar_daddy-- said:

i got falsely banned for rdm x12 even tho i adverted rdm wtf

like.... bruh.

you cant advert "rdm" and kill whoever, that's not how the server works my guy. before making a staff report, at least read the rules man.....

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