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Two guys prop blocking usa spawn and white house


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Your in-game name: Juanitofoo


Users IGN: huttah and mexican obama


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/😞 huttahs steam id is (STEAM_0:0:59956767) and mexican obamas is (STEAM_0:0:199543313)


Explain what happened: everyone noticed there were no admins on and i tried dming one on discord but they werent available so i came here they both just propblocked usa spawn and the white house we couldnt even go anywhere


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence) i have screenshots of the propblock with it saying their name (edit) he also just blocked the other tunnel so we literally cant rp) (edit 2) huttah just double blocked the street and white house omg (edit fucking 3) he blocked off spawn and is killing everyone whos trapped with stunstick hes bank guard)

Screenshot (65).png

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