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Prop/Text Infringement/Blocking + Harassment

Montego Quintanilla

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Bic Lighter + -    (STEAM_0:0:424709755)


This has been going on for a couple days now, I didn't want to be a virgin and open yet ANOTHER report on the forums as it's cancerous and annoying. In the following video, you'll find Bic Lighter + - prop blocking and fringing my shop. His props have been @ my shop for over 2 hours now and I'm just logging off due to no staff being available to help. He's not only been prop blocking, but following me around telling me to unmute him and he'll remove his props. I don't have him muted, I just told him I did because he's annoying and wanted him to piss off. Clearly, it had the opposite effect x)... He's been following me around spamming to unmute him. Anyway, here's the video of him prop blocking AS WELL as infringing on my shop with text screens.

I don't have much proof on his harassing on account my NVIDIA would only record my 2nd monitor for the longest time, but I have since fixed it and was able to get his prop block/text minge on video x)




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