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10/14/2020 Update


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  • Repositioned the party member list so it does not interfere with the hud
  • You will no longer drop a loot crate on death when in the arena
  • Fixed it so now it tells you to do .auth instead of !auth in the discord
  • Fixed the overhead hud for certain playermodels
  • You can now see if you have a weapons license
  • You can no longer place hits on people that are inside a safezone
  • Chat will no longer get spammed by the rainbow connect messages



  • Repositioned the party member list so it does not interfere with the hud
  • Fixed it so now it tells you to do .auth instead of !auth in the discord
  • You can now see if you have a weapons license
  • Fixed the overhead hud for certain playermodels
  • You can no longer place hits on people that are inside a safezone
  • Added the mining navigation text showing players where the mining area is, mainly for new players
  • Fire damage will no longer show up in damage logs, for sewer monsters
  • Chat will no longer get spammed by the rainbow connect messages
  • Optimized the igniting of sewer monsters
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