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Smelly Beener Martha Staff Applicatione


Will you allow me the opportunity to become staff?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you allow me the opportunity to become staff?

    • Yes
    • No way, jose.

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Your Username:

A: Smelly Beener Martha

Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:

A:MorningWould #2865

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:I have not been punished in almost 2 months, last one was for RDK X6 in early november.

Your Age:

A: 17

Your Timezone:

A:Central Time Zone

Time Played:

A:1100 Hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: None

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I feel that I should be accepted for my genuine love and passion for this server. I am extremely active and spend way to much of my free time on this server, doing my thing. I really enjoy making people laugh through my antics of playing Gay.FM channel while sexy dancing and making people smile while do it. I can always find a way to make someone's day a little brighter through my use of putting down those who try to be funny but are sadly not. The people who just keep saying the N word or unfunny racewords need to be put down with force, I do this by making fun of them until they either leave the server or start crying. I try to stick up for others through not only my words but my actions, for instance one time I saw Bic Lighter +- making fun of Woomys voice so I decided to have Bic Lighter +- demoted from ICE and called the admin to help deal with it. I feel that through the social reconstructions the server we can make it a more popular and in turn profitable server for all. MBRP is something extremely specials and nothing like the people whop play DRP (nothing against them DRP is still an awesome time). I have been able to call the admins attention for many pressing issues such as prop block, prop minge, those breaking NLR, Rdming, Rdking, printer exploit, staff dis, ARDming, LBS, RDD, FailRP, Propspam, LTAP, Propclimb. I know the rules in and out and really do want to see this server which makes me so happy a better place one ban at a time baby!!

How often can you be on the server?:

A: everyday

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Very much so

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes, Indeed.


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying)

A: Yes

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User): Exhibitionist

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good hours

seems active

+/- support

app is okay, nothing special


got jailed with an app up. people are saying "oh well staff get jailed too sometimes" but thats also over the course of like a 1-2 month period that most staff are around, like the least you can do is stay out of trouble for the like 4 days that your app is up smh.

also was kinda weird to add that you bully racist people off the server or whatever, sus ngl.


just gonna keep my +/- support around

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-Nice Guy

-Good hours

-App is really good

-Active on discord / forums

- Knows the rules.

- Quite Mature in my opinion.

Overall +Support would love to see you on the staff team!

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A: Smelly Beener Martha




A:MorningWould #2865


A:I have not been punished in almost 2 months, last one was for RDK X6 in early november.


A: 17


A:Central Time Zone


A:1100 Hours


A: None


A: I feel that I should be accepted for my genuine love and passion for this server. I am extremely active and spend way to much of my free time on this server, doing my thing. I really enjoy making people laugh through my antics of playing Gay.FM channel while sexy dancing and making people smile while do it. I can always find a way to make someone's day a little brighter through my use of putting down those who try to be funny but are sadly not. The people who just keep saying the N word or unfunny racewords need to be put down with force, I do this by making fun of them until they either leave the server or start crying. I try to stick up for others through not only my words but my actions, for instance one time I saw Bic Lighter +- making fun of Woomys voice so I decided to have Bic Lighter +- demoted from ICE and called the admin to help deal with it. I feel that through the social reconstructions the server we can make it a more popular and in turn profitable server for all. MBRP is something extremely specials and nothing like the people whop play DRP (nothing against them DRP is still an awesome time). I have been able to call the admins attention for many pressing issues such as prop block, prop minge, those breaking NLR, Rdming, Rdking, printer exploit, staff dis, ARDming, LBS, RDD, FailRP, Propspam, LTAP, Propclimb. I know the rules in and out and really do want to see this server which makes me so happy a better place one ban at a time baby!!


A: everyday


A: Very much so


A: Yes, Indeed.



A: Yes

+Support: Exhibitionist

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20 minutes ago, Insert White Name said:



Getting jailed with an app up

pretty immature 

76561198873137193 isn't the correct steam ID 


The steam ID is his steam ID, it's just not in format. Also not to mention there have been several people who got  jailed as staff. People fuck up once in a while or fuck around. Your so inactive all you do is extended bans. 

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42 minutes ago, KipstreetJR said:

The steam ID is his steam ID, it's just not in format. Also not to mention there have been several people who got  jailed as staff. People fuck up once in a while or fuck around. Your so inactive all you do is extended bans. 

No it’s his community I’d you fucking moron, and that’s not the fucking point. He isn’t other people.

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