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"Staff Report Discretion?" - Rees Exhib.GG


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Explain what happened:

MR. GR1M was banned bc of "Pedophilia"?

That makes no sense bc nothing in the MBRP RULES. Show that any form of "language" is not verbally allowed in the server and said to someone??? So after asking Rees for a clip

of what was said he sent in chat and I watched (https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/16JnJfBqUQUu6O/bazJU0FaWk81?invite=cr-MSxHQVksMTQ0NjcxNzE4LA)

but if STAFF is banning people for crude language ban the ENTIRE SERVER!?!? Like you have racism and vulgar phrases being said and then new people join and are doing the same!!!

I believe that is was a false ban

(After asking Rees why he banned him "at that point its Staff Discretion")

| If you need to get in contact with me Its Yuno#8680 on discord |

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- Support

Supporting a pedo is crazy...
There's a difference between saying for example,"molest someone" versus saying "molest A SMALL CHILD" ???????????????????

RACISM, VULGAR LANGUAGE is not on the same playing field. If someone is harassing you with it, you can always make a sit.

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