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FPS Gods Report on Cheerio


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Your in-game name: FPS God


Users IGN: Cheerio 


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:0:566594722      64-76561199093455172


Explain what happened: He has been prop minging our printers for about 30mins now. he keeps harassing me, and my friends. He also has been putting signs in our base. He already got caught my branch minging, and putting signs in our base.  But once branch got off, he started prop minging and messing with out printers with props.


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence) This evidence clearly shows his Steam ID. If you need a close up and better shot of it. Feel free to hit me up on discord FPSLawless#5706. But you can ask branch he has been doing for the past 30mins.  STEAM_0:0:566594722 (I ALSO HAVE A VIDEO IF NEED)


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