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ThatFooJordan MBRP staff application

Should i become mbrp staff  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. mbrp staff

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Your Username:

A: ThatFooJordan

Your SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:1:449933025):

A: STEAM_0:1:568241039

Your Discord Name and #:

A: sheluv_jordan

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: rdmx1

Your Age:

A: 16

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 800+ hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: Yes, staffed in Mbrp and resigned

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: Since my goals are to uphold the rules and make the server better, I think I should be allowed to join. I honestly love this server and want to make it better, thus I only play it because it is my favorite game. I want to be admin so that users can still contact me if something goes wrong and I will be there to help them. When the server restarts at 3 a.m. (PST), there are no admins active and the server is in full chaos. I have always wished to be a moderator since I am an excellent leader, I enjoy teaching new players the game, and I can benefit the community by giving advice on how to play the game.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: all the damn time

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Very.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Very aware


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums as well as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended but not required to be active on both before applying)

A:  Yes

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: Legend

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I've been playing mbrp with Jordan since 2020.  After 600+ hrs in the game I can definitely say Jordan is a great fit to become staff again. he's always there to help and loves teaching new players.  jordan is highly knowledgeable about mbrp rules, and often tries to make the community better. Good look Jordan 



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