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Staff Report on Ambiio

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Explain what happened:

 I was bought to a sit regarding a gang takeover i  had placed a KOS Sign on my territory and thought that that meant that anyone was KOS Past the sign 

Ambiio Brings me to a sit with Robot and just asks why did i kill him, I told him the reason and then jailed me without Telling me if i did anything wrong at all i even asked if i had and he was silent he wrote 2 sentances and then jailed me Robot didnt say anything at all either it was essentially a one sided conversation. i have since checked the rules and found that it doesnt apply to takeover so i acknowledge that the RDM was my fault but he didnt even say what i had done wrong no telling me i was being punished just jailed me and my friend.

Another issue i have is earlier in the same day he kicked me from the  server whilst i was AFK because of my Gang name the problem i have here is that i am not the owner of the gang nor is it going to change the gang name, I couldnt find a rule that advised on what names are or are not allowed on the server but i might be wrong on this one.

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required! Saying "just check server logs" isn't evidence.)


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pretty sure your gang name was like "max likes kids" or something like that...
Also you were jailed and you were told why 3 times. you instead tried to argue with ambiio and wanted to be difficult
ANOTHER reason I'm -Support is that you literally refused to listen to the HEAD ADMIN (assistant manager) of the server, because it wasn't specifically stated in the rules that you couldn't block off the ENTIRE lake area.
you clearly like to just be a difficult person
also literally like no proof whatsoever? 

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║          Staff Report Response      ║

Since this is a report on me I will not be doing a support format. I will however show my side of the situations.

The reason I am starting off by putting these screenshots of the logs is to show that you guys did shoot/kill Robot without any advert of a counter. You have also admitted that you were in the wrong.

This clip is a clip from the very beginning of the sit, excuse my fan but his friend was able to hear me ask the question and answered my question. I will also post another clip to show that 999_NoLimitSergeant responds to me.


In this clip there's proof that I tell him the reason right before I jail him. This is also an even better clip for proof that they can hear me because his buddy responds with "but I didn't kill him" when I say they're going to get jailed.


As for the kicking you from the game to change your nickname, it's because you are an admin in the gang so you have a say or at least some authority when it comes to the gang so you should be able to let people know you need to change the gang name. You also say you didn't find anything on the gang name but the community in general does not break laws. It shouldn't have to be stated that pedophilia or weird remarks of pedophilia aren't allowed since it's a law.


I don't know what to really say to you other than this report is simply false. You also said you have been staff on many other servers and as someone who has been in my shoes you know how frustrating it is when a player talks over you nonstop when you're trying to explain something to them. You also created another sit after I concluded Robot's sit and told me I was incompetent and you were going to make a report on me. You then asked me where to make a report and you gave me zero time at all before you started going off on me for not giving you a link. I don't have the staff report forums link on stand by. By the way Lucifer, I have the entire sit clipped from start to finish (uncut) if you ever want/need that.

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Yeah so my bad ambiio but i couldnt hear you at all that was the reason that i made this report was that you didnt talk but apparently sergeant could hear you but i couldnt idk my bad 

On 7/10/2024 at 6:15 AM, retro said:

No proof
Didn't listen to Worllld
Argued with staff

Um what i gave a link to 2 screenshots ? 

Asked for a rule i was breaking

On 7/10/2024 at 3:49 AM, Monke #monkegang said:

Also you were jailed and you were told why 3 times. you instead tried to argue with ambiio and wanted to be difficult
ANOTHER reason I'm -Support is that you literally refused to listen to the HEAD ADMIN (assistant manager) of the server, because it wasn't specifically stated in the rules that you couldn't block off the ENTIRE lake area.
you clearly like to just be a difficult person
also literally like no proof whatsoever? 

What i didnt hear him say anything whole sit was silent. 

i asked for a rule 



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seems like this was mostly just a misunderstanding, as far as you being kicked for the gang name, it needed to be changed immediately due to the name being what it was.. which is not allowed on the server. 

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