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Eclipse's Staff Application


Should I become staff?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become staff?

    • Yes
    • No

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Your Username:

A: 7th Eclipse

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:157831405 + 76561198275928538

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Eclipse#0858

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes, I was banned twice. Once for mass RDM and once for Mass FailRP

Your Age:

A: 13

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 20 hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I have been staff on another game on which I monitored people ingame and reported to admins, and I basically controlled the forums.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I believe I should be accepted because I am a person that likes helping people, being kind, and gaining peoples trust. I enjoy garry's mod and I really enjoy your server which is why I am applying for staff. Even if it is me warning people, giving them a second chance, jailing or even banning them, I will still feel like I am putting something towards the community. I have already bought VIP+ and I do acknowledge that I have already done something for the community, but I feel like doing more. Helping out more and generally just being there for people. I have played on the server for a while and would now like to put more of my freetime towards it and towards helping players and staff alike. I am also applying for a main reason that, as Koromaru stated in his application, the chaos that goes on in the morning needs to be subdued, and there are no staff on for about 1 hour during that time (Most Of the Time)

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Everyday. If I cannot be on for a day or week, I will let someone know in advance. 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes, I am

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes. This is what I hope for as I can help people by this.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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- rdmed a guy right in front of me while I was off duty

- I tried talking to him ingame about it but he was very condescending and at times just refused to listen

- app is good but personality is bad


Overall this is a negative support for me. I wanted to get to know him ingame and right when I approached him he rdmed some guy right in front of me. Then he proceeded to argue with me ingame about and talk over me. He needs to learn how to treat staff members with respect before he applies to be one.

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2 minutes ago, Lucifer Morningstar said:


- rdmed a guy right in front of me while I was off duty

- I tried talking to him ingame about it but he was very condescending and at times just refused to listen

- app is good but personality is bad


Overall this is a negative support for me. I wanted to get to know him ingame and right when I approached him he rdmed some guy right in front of me. Then he proceeded to argue with me ingame about and talk over me. He needs to learn how to treat staff members with respect before he applies to be one.

Let me just say, that I am sorry about this as I did not realise you were not allowed to do something if ICE told you to. I genuinely didn't. I was being disrespectful, yes, and I do not know why. All in all I am sorry for my actions.


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13 hours ago, Diming said:


first of all he’s super mingy rdmed a couple people near me.

He’s not even actually part of 7th. 

Hes a liar. 

Proof shown here (owner of 7th) 

80745189-39C4-4AF7-9625-97628C3F001B.jpegI have also left 7th I am no longer in any clan.

First of all Diming, let me tell you as truthfully as possible, I did not lie when I said 7th Bappo invited me, and I also do not think a clan is anything to do with applications.

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2 hours ago, Eclipse_FL said:

First of all Diming, let me tell you as truthfully as possible, I did not lie when I said 7th Bappo invited me, and I also do not think a clan is anything to do with applications.

This is all I have to say. (Aidan is Bappo) I also believe clans are pointless as 7th is dead it’s more of the factor that I enjoy playing with friends than alone and a clan helps with that. I just wouldn’t like a liar on our staff team best regards, exultant.


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2 hours ago, Diming said:

This is all I have to say. (Aidan is Bappo) I also believe clans are pointless as 7th is dead it’s more of the factor that I enjoy playing with friends than alone and a clan helps with that. I just wouldn’t like a liar on our staff team best regards, exultant. 


As I said, I am not a liar, and I did not realise he only meant IG

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3 hours ago, Lazlo! said:

- Support

Mass RDM?

Mass RDA?

Those are some very serious offenses.

Haven't seen you but I have seen alot of the 7th gang active.

Thanks for the comment Lazlo. Let me just clarify that I have never mass RDA'd.

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3 minutes ago, Tim The Enchanter said:

-support, anyone who gets banned for mass RDM should not be staff, that's not cool at all.

+ app is good, however ^ still stands.

- only 20 hours played? i think you should play more.

2/10 - MassRDM does not look good on an application.-Tim

You have a point

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