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Albarn's Staff Application


Should I become staff.  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I become staff.

    • Yes
    • No

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Your Username:


Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:Yes I have, I was banned for helping raid the bank as a cop, I was punished and I learned my lesson from it, anything like that will never happen again.

Your Age:

A:19 Years

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 2 Days

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I have staffed on multible nutscript RP servers, though the times I had to make sits and such were few are far between.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I have very good patience with players and can stand alot of the stressfull aspects of being a staff member and can deal with the many types of players that come onto the server. I am fully willing to learn anything the other staff members are willing to teach and I am good at listening, though to be honest my memory is a bit faulty due to irl reasons but shouldnt be a problem. I wan't to help this community alot and I'm willing to out forth the time and effort to do so. I am mostly active on the forums and am currently trying to be more active on discord, I'm also very easy to get along with and can get along with most people I come across. I'm also willing to take any contructive criticism and im not afraid to ask questions and get secound opinions. Since I have a mobile device I have all the rules and the staff handbook ready at anytime and I also have access to discord and the forums at anytime to respond or report anything. And im willing to help almost anyone if it be staff or other players.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Almost anytime I'm out of highschool and unemployed

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes I have read them multiple times and I almost always have a mobile device with too look up anything I don't know pretty fast

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes I am fully aware and willing to accept that.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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1 minute ago, Albarn said:

My bad I thought a paragraph was 4 sentences, I fixed that by adding more.

the most important part of your app is your paragraph. Make it a long and detailed paragraph on why u should be staff.If your paragraph is good i might change my mind and put +support but as of right now it is+/-

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+Friendly in game
+Knows rules
+Previous staffing experience
+Not a bad app

+/- In game playtime is kinda meh.
+/- Kind of interactive with the community (although i'd like to see you more)
+/- Am willing to overlook the ban since you seem like you've learned your lesson

Overall cool dude, +Support


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-People seem to like you.

-Others say you are chill and mature.

-Garry's Mod staffing experience.

-You appear to have a clear knowledge of the rules.

-You were banned. However you seem to have learned your lesson.

-Your paragraph doesn't really state how your different from others, you may have patience and such but so does every other staff member. (Note this is after revising the paragraph.)

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On 11/4/2018 at 2:28 PM, Taco eater said:

+Friendly in game
+Knows rules
+Previous staffing experience
+Not a bad app

+/- In game playtime is kinda meh.
+/- Kind of interactive with the community (although i'd like to see you more)
+/- Am willing to overlook the ban since you seem like you've learned your lesson

Overall cool dude, +Support


Agreeing with this

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Hmm. Didn't you JUST get off your ban?


I contacted you about the thing that got you banned, to my knowledge. You were very accepting of it, admitted you did wrong, and even asked for a punishment. I'd say that's a lesson learned before it even begun. Your active, and you have some good qualities. 


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