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America! RDA


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Your in-game name: Ronald Regan


Users IGN: America!


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/):STEAM_0:1:419521943


Explain what happened: I won the Double or nothing jackpot of 611k he arrested me and took my jackpot he did this to multiple people and rda'd around 6 or 7 people in the street


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc.)[Advert] [VIP+] Cancer: why America!
[Advert] [VIP+] Vertex: wh raid
Vertex killed Danny Davito using m9k_spas12
[DarkRP] mr you got crabs has been released from jail!
[Advert] [VIP+] Cancer: why did you arrest Me

[Advert] [User] Ronald Regan: if you were rda'd by america! tell me

(OOC) [User] Thot Pockets05: i was
(OOC) [User] CAPTAINAustin6: are the sewers in public?
(PM) [User] tacoz_r_good: Regan i was




In the link above i posted a picture or America! with his Arrest batton out after he RDA'd someone sadly I couldnt captrue him arresting the man only moments after when he holstered his batton. 



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