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BioRadar's Staff Application


Staff Poll  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should BioRadar be considered by the staff team?

    • Yes
    • No

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Your Username:



Your SteamID:



Your Discord Name and #:


BioRadar #5012

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:


I have never been banned or kicked.

Your Age:


18 Years young

Your Timezone:



Time Played:


Just over 2 days

Staffing Experience (Optional):


Currently no staffing experience but I am hoping to change that.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):


Why do I feel like I should be accepted to the staff team? Well to start, despite only having 2 total days of playtime I still have been trying to get acquainted with everyone and how the server works. This has made it seem to some people like I've been on for far more than 2 days. I have a cool/level-headed approach to handling all problems (I have been in quite a few sits to educate rule breakers) so I feel like I would be a nice calming addition to the team. My main reason why I feel like I should be accepted to the staff team is that I am always willing to learn and grow as a person.

How often can you be on the server?:


Due to being in college, I can be on pretty much all day everyday. At least I can be on 5-10 hours a day but it can reach as far as 24 on weekends.

Are you familiar with the rules?:


I have familiarized myself with all of the during my time on the server.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?


I am fully aware of this fact and am willing to completely embrace it.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):



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To be honest, your application could be a lot better. I'm not leaving negative or positive rep but I recommend you add more to your paragraph, it really does lack and it's only you saying about a sentence. Also, your paragraph isn't a paragraph and it looks like a few sentences. I hope you don't take this in a bad way but in a good way, and remove (A:) after your answer question and just put the answers and questions into different colors to make it look cleaner and more professional.

Last but not least, your discord and forums activity really doesn't seem to be a thing and you should improve on that.

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6 minutes ago, Takeoff said:

To be honest, your application could be a lot better. I'm not leaving negative or positive rep but I recommend you add more to your paragraph, it really does lack and it's only you saying about a sentence. Also, your paragraph isn't a paragraph and it looks like a few sentences. I hope you don't take this in a bad way but in a good way, and remove (A:) after your answer question and just put the answers and questions into different colors to make it look cleaner and more professional.

Last but not least, your discord and forums activity really doesn't seem to be a thing and you should improve on that.

I appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely be sure to improve on everything.

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+ support
   decent paragraph

# neutral

On 12/2/2018 at 11:08 PM, BioRadar said:

Due to being in college, I can be on pretty much all day everyday. At least I can be on 5-10 hours a day but it can reach as far as 24 on weekends.

how the fuck does that work.

- support
never seen you on

in conclusion its gonna have to be a neutral for me, i don't know you and i kinda need to, to give a proper opinion

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+ Support

+ Seems mature.

- Support

- Not active.

- No staff experience.

- Bad paragraph, not enough detail.

- Meh Application, and definitely could be better.

- Discord/Forums activity isn't a thing from you, and I've never heard of you other than your name from the application.

You also stated you were in college but you could be on everyday from 5-10 hours a day doesn't seem to make enough sense to me and to others while reading that.


Score: 2/10

Overall: - Support 

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