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Skylor's Staff Application

Skylor (DDG)

Should Skylor become staff?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Should skylor become staff?

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Staff Application Template:


Your Username:


Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:Yea I have been jailed 2 times for rdm

Your Age:


Your Timezone:

A: Eastern  time

Time Played:

A:39 hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A:I have been staff on police rp before

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):


I believe I deserve to be staff for many reasons. Firstly, I am an extremely dedicated member of the community, I play roughly 3-4 a day, I am addicted to the server and staffing on Exhibition is my passion. Secondly, I feel like I have many vital skills (that I have equipped over a long time), firstly I feel like my judgement as a staff member is at a sufficient standard, when dealing with a sit I try my best to understand both sides and I also try my best to come with a valid punishment, because I would never like to give someone an excessive punishment because that never leads well. Thirdly, I believe that I am pretty mature and know the rules extremely well, I have dealt with so many sits and in my opinion to a good standard, I have never had a staff report on me (When i was staff on other servers) and I believe that's because I give out fair punishments but also deal with my sits really well; I can't lie, I have a lot still to learn but I do try my very best to be as fair and as helpful as possible. Another reason why I believe I deserve the rank of Trial mod is that I know that I can help other staff members and become a good role model to other staff members, I understand that when becoming an Admin you also get many more responsibilities, and one of them is assisting other staff members when in need, I believe that I can help them in difficult situations due to some of my knowledge and pretty good judgement. Another reason why I believe I deserve Tmod is my competence, I will be honest... I don't give up when it comes to things like this, I do personally believe I deserve Tmod but even if I get denied I will keep on going, I love this server and the community and for that reason alone gives me the motivation to not give up; I have only been in this community for around 2 months yet I believe that this server would benefit if i were staff , I have gained trust with admins  but I have also gained so much knowledge from this community which I am so thankful for. Another reason why I believe I deserve Tmod is my Activity and timezone, Alot of the time when im on i dont see any staff so i have to record all of the things that people do an send them to admins which would mean that I can assist the community in my timezone and also administrate the server in my timezone when there tends to usually not be very many staff online. Another reason why I believe I deserve this rank is that I am trying to grow as a person and get even further in this community, I really want to keep progressing in this community and keep spreading positive energy and also be able to get rid of all the negative energy produced by mingeyness, I believe that I could supress a lot of the mingeyness and keep trying and fighting for a positive message in this community no matter what.

How often can you be on the server?:

A:Every day from 3:30 to 9:00 Eastern time (unless its weekend then i can be on for much longer)

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A:Yea i have read them twice

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A:yes i under stand the consequences of becoming staff

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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+ support
    not in my sits
    isn't a minge

+/- neutral
    we have a punishment rubic and NEVER do we make our own punishments up
    calls playing on the server an addiction with only 39 hours playtime
    says he has recorded everything people have done, and sent it to us, yet hasn't made a single user report

im gonna have to go with neutral for now.

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3 minutes ago, Koromaru said:

+ support
    not in my sits
    isn't a minge

+/- neutral
    we have a punishment rubic and NEVER do we make our own punishments up
    calls playing on the server an addiction with only 39 hours playtime
    says he has recorded everything people have done, and sent it to us, yet hasn't made a single user report

im gonna have to go with neutral for now.

^ This

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I agree with the points above. You say you're addicted to the server, in love with the community, yadda yadda. Yet, you only have 39 hours (not even the playtime requirement to become staff). Since you have 2 months on the server supposedly, this means you either took one massive break, or you aren't as active as you say you are.


Either way, it's going to be a no from me dawg. That's 80% due to you not having the playtime requirement, which means you didn't read the TOS properly.

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35 minutes ago, Robert Frank said:

I agree with the points above. You say you're addicted to the server, in love with the community, yadda yadda. Yet, you only have 39 hours (not even the playtime requirement to become staff). Since you have 2 months on the server supposedly, this means you either took one massive break, or you aren't as active as you say you are.


Either way, it's going to be a no from me dawg. That's 80% due to you not having the playtime requirement, which means you didn't read the TOS properly.


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TOS violation police here. 


Seems you've applied and haven't met the required hours sir. License and registration please..

Ok I'm gonna have to write you a ticket for this. Please reapply a week after this gets locked or when you get the minimum time requirement.

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5 hours ago, █≡▌♦Brand♦▌≡█ said:

Didnt read TOS


Oii hey brand zup boi :v you are here too ^-^/


2 minutes ago, drangia! said:

Also just wanna point out that his previous name used to be "Whake me up inside"

I see.. well ive played with hime for a couple of hours.. he is a good guy with good intensions but the app still isnt good enough to go forward for a positive feedback..

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