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ZF Joe The Ear


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Your in-game name:

 Big Chung

Staff members name:

 ZF Joe The Ear

Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/):


Explain what happened:

 These guys raided us without announcing it and propblocked the door. They were claiming that the base that I bought was their own and tried to turn the story against us. The admin Voren sorted it out. However Joe The Ear was there just laughing and not doing anything while destroying out Bitcoin mining stuff. He was apparently saying it was super funny in the chat and just kicked the raiders instead of banning them.

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!)

Please ask Voren, he suggested this idea.

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If it bothered you as much as to make a report against him then why not get any proof at all besides "Staff member said this"? does not sound like something @Joe The Ear would do at ALL 

PS. A staff member saying "if you have a problem make a report about it" doesn't mean "Yeah fuck that guy get him demoted" neither does it mean that he shares your views.

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I froze and stopped the people from destroying the raidables.

There was 20 ppl there and it was unclear who was base team and not. You were all screaming.

It was an interesting situation and i tried to help defuse the anger and sort it out.


Sorry if you feel it was not perfect.

 i did nothing wrong. Kick was appropriate for the prop block. I did not see the kills or earlier raid.


Feel free to message me anytime for info or anything. I like to help.

(Edit: after looking through it all the raiders DID prop block it seems. Usually this type of situation would be dealt with in a separate sit area. But with the large number of people involved it took time to sort out)

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Ahem. I was actually the admin who took the sit. I came to a call from chung, asking for assistance cause people were raiding, without advert.

I got there, and there's approximately 20+ people, all running inside chung's base, shooting at his raidables, and screaming nonsense, half of them roles that can't raid.

I start freezing them in the air, while I try to catch them and sort this situation out, while calling for assistance from all other admins. One being brand, the other being joe. Joe didn't respond for a bit, but when he did arrive, he began unfreezing people, and letting them go, without listening to anything, despite me telling him to bloody stop. Half of them ran away, another half shot the others running away, and a selective three, ran into the back of chungs base, and starting blowing up his raidables. Despite being hitmen, no hit on the target, and no advert for raid.

They were once again frozen, and while I was checking logs, joe kicked them. Just them. For some unknown reason, their mass of rule breaks, got them a kick from joe.

I was only able to ban two people out of all of this, for this specific scenario, since I was unable to access logs shortly after, as they had seemed to reset.

Only chung, and a guy named todo, owned this base. No one else was supposed to be in there. I frankly think that joe really threw that sit into the hole, and made it a whole lot worse then it was, certainly harder to deal with. Once he had kicked the two, he immediately went back to building a base. I personally support this staff complaint. +1

As for proof, I have none, aside from the possability of someone checking logs later. I can't run video. 

Brand might have more on this, if someone could ping him. He might even have video.

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10 hours ago, Voren said:

Ahem. I was actually the admin who took the sit. I came to a call from chung, asking for assistance cause people were raiding, without advert.

I got there, and there's approximately 20+ people, all running inside chung's base, shooting at his raidables, and screaming nonsense, half of them roles that can't raid.

I start freezing them in the air, while I try to catch them and sort this situation out, while calling for assistance from all other admins. One being brand, the other being joe. Joe didn't respond for a bit, but when he did arrive, he began unfreezing people, and letting them go, without listening to anything, despite me telling him to bloody stop. Half of them ran away, another half shot the others running away, and a selective three, ran into the back of chungs base, and starting blowing up his raidables. Despite being hitmen, no hit on the target, and no advert for raid.

They were once again frozen, and while I was checking logs, joe kicked them. Just them. For some unknown reason, their mass of rule breaks, got them a kick from joe.

I was only able to ban two people out of all of this, for this specific scenario, since I was unable to access logs shortly after, as they had seemed to reset.

Only chung, and a guy named todo, owned this base. No one else was supposed to be in there. I frankly think that joe really threw that sit into the hole, and made it a whole lot worse then it was, certainly harder to deal with. Once he had kicked the two, he immediately went back to building a base. I personally support this staff complaint. +1

As for proof, I have none, aside from the possability of someone checking logs later. I can't run video. 

Brand might have more on this, if someone could ping him. He might even have video.

^ I’ve personally never seen something like that from Joe, but judging by this response I’ll +Support

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Follow up + More detailed story:

My story: 

10+ people started raiding us without advertising it. Half of them didn't even have permission to raid. We were unprepared. As soon as they killed all three of us (Me, Tobo and BIGTITS), they went into a room and Prop blocked the door. They started saying that the base they just raided was their's. a few minutes later and another 10 people were inside of our base. They weren't doing naything wrong, they were just talking through their mics and we couldn't hear anything. It was extremely loud, so that might've confused Joe. When the admins came (Voren, Joe and Brand) they froze most of the rando's and raiders. The raiders were making up a story that the actual owners raided their base and Prop blocked the door and not advertising the base. Of course, the admins weren't braindead, so they managed for all the rando's to exit the base and punish the raiders. After all of the commotion, I asked Voren what to do next, and he said that Joe apparently messed up, and instead of banning them, kicked them. Joe was also just laughing watching the raiders destroying everything. Now I heard all of this from Voren and assumed that Joe messed up. He told me that I should file a staff complaint and he would step in when I submitted it. I'm kinda disappointed that they only got kicked but I'm not in charge here. If what Voren said was incorrect, or that Joe was just confused then I am sorry for the inconvenience and misunderstandings.

Follow up:

Today, two of the raiders came to our base AGAIN. The raiders actually advertised their raid this time. We killed them, but when they respawned they came back. They repeated this multiple times and eventually killed us. They never called over and destroyed most of our bitcoin stuff. I called an admin but when he got there, the raiders left the server. We didn't have any proof but my friend Tobo might have a video showing the names of the raiders. apparently in the video, one the raider just RDM Tobo, so I don't know if it'll be a lot of help.

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23 minutes ago, NIG_GER said:

Follow up + More detailed story:

My story: 

10+ people started raiding us without advertising it. Half of them didn't even have permission to raid. We were unprepared. As soon as they killed all three of us (Me, Tobo and BIGTITS), they went into a room and Prop blocked the door. They started saying that the base they just raided was their's. a few minutes later and another 10 people were inside of our base. They weren't doing naything wrong, they were just talking through their mics and we couldn't hear anything. It was extremely loud, so that might've confused Joe. When the admins came (Voren, Joe and Brand) they froze most of the rando's and raiders. The raiders were making up a story that the actual owners raided their base and Prop blocked the door and not advertising the base. Of course, the admins weren't braindead, so they managed for all the rando's to exit the base and punish the raiders. After all of the commotion, I asked Voren what to do next, and he said that Joe apparently messed up, and instead of banning them, kicked them. Joe was also just laughing watching the raiders destroying everything. Now I heard all of this from Voren and assumed that Joe messed up. He told me that I should file a staff complaint and he would step in when I submitted it. I'm kinda disappointed that they only got kicked but I'm not in charge here. If what Voren said was incorrect, or that Joe was just confused then I am sorry for the inconvenience and misunderstandings.

Follow up:

Today, two of the raiders came to our base AGAIN. The raiders actually advertised their raid this time. We killed them, but when they respawned they came back. They repeated this multiple times and eventually killed us. They never called over and destroyed most of our bitcoin stuff. I called an admin but when he got there, the raiders left the server. We didn't have any proof but my friend Tobo might have a video showing the names of the raiders. apparently in the video, one the raider just RDM Tobo, so I don't know if it'll be a lot of help.

If they keep coming back you should probably record a video.

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52 minutes ago, NIG_GER said:

Follow up + More detailed story:

My story: 

Too long im shortening it

Follow up:

Shortening this too

This was surprisingly mature for someone who's name is nigger. I know it's off topic but I felt it was necessary to say it

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I have already responded to this.

Voren there was no way to hear you talking, you should have typed in staff chat.

I unfroze to stop them screaming.  Ppl usually scream when frozen.

When i saw the people trying to destroy raidables i froze them in back room.

I kicked them because all i saw was the prop block inside someone elses base.


If voren wanted them banned he should have banned them.

Players. Defend your base by building, shooting and not being afk. It is a good game. Enjoy

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it was a bit hard to ban anyone, considering you began unfreezing, before I could take names, since I was busy trying to take down steam ID's, and handle some lad tossing grenades outside the door. If it's a group of people frozen, then likely, they are frozen for a reason. By the time you got to the people destroying the raidables, they had already blown up all of their printers, and you stated that it was the funniest sit you've ever been involved in. 

You really weren't of assistance then, but a major detriment, to any attempt at handling the situation in a well placed fashion.

Alas, I recall also typing in staff chat. Specifically, shouting for help, massive raid, minge war, and multiple RDMers and NLR breakers. You came, and not even 5 minutes, had let mostly all of them go, without so much as asking in staff chat "Why might these screaming lads be frozen'. You just -DID IT-. And I couldn't chase them down, as I was dealing with the guy who you had let go first, who ran to prop block spawn.

Granted, at least 4 of these 15 or so odd people, broke rules even further along, and I was able to ban them, but there were a lot who were unaccounted for, that I was unable to get to, before I just couldn't because the logs took a dump, and reset. 

I did urge him to make a staff report, yes. Because the failure, was to him as a player. And I think it should be spoken out here. As I felt it was extensively improper as well.

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So you admit i was the first staff to reach the raidables destroyers. And that i froze them. Thankyou.

Much of the rest is just opinion.

It was a complex situation. And i said it was the "best sit ever" not funnest, referring to the high activity and high spirits that are a staple of our great MBRP roleplay.


I do apologise if my actions were not perfect.

It was a big situation.

Freezing is usually reserved for mass rdm. Usually we would take all parties involved to a seperate sit area. People react much better and are more reasonable if they are not all frozen.

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2 hours ago, Joe The Ear said:

So you admit i was the first staff to reach the raidables destroyers. And that i froze them. Thankyou.

Much of the rest is just opinion.

It was a complex situation. And i said it was the "best sit ever" not funnest, referring to the high activity and high spirits that are a staple of our great MBRP roleplay.


I do apologise if my actions were not perfect.

It was a big situation.

Freezing is usually reserved for mass rdm. Usually we would take all parties involved to a seperate sit area. People react much better and are more reasonable if they are not all frozen.

Most of the rest was just opinion? You unfreezing the RDMers just made it so that the raiders wouldn't actually get punished. Only 4 of them actually got punished and the other 10 people just hopped back on the next day. I mean come on unfreezing RDMers even though Voren was screaming for help in the chat is a little improper if you ask me.

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I'm gonna share my opinion now since the story has been explained well enough.


What I would have done in this situation, had I been Joe, was I would have left the players in question frozen (you shouldn't be unfreezing players which another staff member froze. If they're frozen, that means they were minging with likely more than propblock). For each player, you should have carried the sit on as usual, probably inside that base (so you can see who leaves). The three of you could have cleared up the situation in probably a few minutes, if you went player to player. If someone left during the process, that would be LTAP. 


I doubt that each person had props blocking the base. All of them were probably doing failRP (raiding with no advert, raiding as a class which isn't allowed to) so they should have gotten 5-10 minute jail, then 5 minutes stacked on top of that for the people prop blocking. Then, perhaps 5 minutes or a ban on top of that for those destroying equipment. 


I do think that Joe handled this situation the wrong way, mostly the part where he unfroze some people and allowed them to leave the server (and no LTAP punishment). However, I don't see any staff punishment being neccesary due to the nature of the situation. All that's really needed is for a higherup (damp) to tell Joe how to act better in a situation like this in the future. +Support



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after that back and fourth, without going into detail, it seems like joe is in the wrong here, what was described by both @Voren Redden and the niger seemed too outlandish to be a real thing that @Joe The Ear did but since most of that's been cleared up i still don't get why those events took place. I will change my thing to +Support but i don't know if a punishment would be necessary... the whole situation seems more like rusty staffing from joe.

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1 hour ago, Taco eater said:

after that back and fourth, without going into detail, it seems like joe is in the wrong here, what was described by both @Voren Redden and the niger seemed too outlandish to be a real thing that @Joe The Ear did but since most of that's been cleared up i still don't get why those events took place. I will change my thing to +Support but i don't know if a punishment would be necessary... the whole situation seems more like rusty staffing from joe.

Im gonna agree with you after reading v


On 1/11/2019 at 10:05 PM, Voren said:

Ahem. I was actually the admin who took the sit. I came to a call from chung, asking for assistance cause people were raiding, without advert.

I got there, and there's approximately 20+ people, all running inside chung's base, shooting at his raidables, and screaming nonsense, half of them roles that can't raid.

I start freezing them in the air, while I try to catch them and sort this situation out, while calling for assistance from all other admins. One being brand, the other being joe. Joe didn't respond for a bit, but when he did arrive, he began unfreezing people, and letting them go, without listening to anything, despite me telling him to bloody stop. Half of them ran away, another half shot the others running away, and a selective three, ran into the back of chungs base, and starting blowing up his raidables. Despite being hitmen, no hit on the target, and no advert for raid.

They were once again frozen, and while I was checking logs, joe kicked them. Just them. For some unknown reason, their mass of rule breaks, got them a kick from joe.

I was only able to ban two people out of all of this, for this specific scenario, since I was unable to access logs shortly after, as they had seemed to reset.

Only chung, and a guy named todo, owned this base. No one else was supposed to be in there. I frankly think that joe really threw that sit into the hole, and made it a whole lot worse then it was, certainly harder to deal with. Once he had kicked the two, he immediately went back to building a base. I personally support this staff complaint. +1

As for proof, I have none, aside from the possability of someone checking logs later. I can't run video. 

Brand might have more on this, if someone could ping him. He might even have video.


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