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Report from AttentiveMist


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Your in-game name: AttentiveMist


Users IGN: Negero


Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/ STEAM_0:0:81992669


Explain what happened: Voren can explain. Its a long story. So Negero got warned for Failrp by Soy Sauce. Negero was mad at me for rdming him on Friday which I got punished for by a Admin Negero wanted revenge. So I was Secret Service in White House and he was ICE. He came in wasted a couple magazines at my bitcoin even though we were on the same team and I was telling him to stop and he wouldn't and said this is for fucking yesterday. So then I reported it to admins. The admins in it were Voren, Soy Sauce, and Braden. He talked to them saying that the bit coin machine was in the open in the white house and he didn't know who it was and he said he got rdmed a lot of times on Friday and didn't even know me. Negero and me agreed that we would move forward infront of Soy Sauce and forgot Friday and he said he didn't even know me.

So after that I went into the White House as Secret Service and into the Presidents Room on the 2nd Floor. The doors opened I went in and there were other Secret Service there aswell and Negero was President. He was telling the Secret Service to get me out of there even though I was Secret Service and he was singling me out. I have video evidence of him telling the Secret Service to get me out.


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc.)

Voren can tell you more. Its a long backup story.

Skip to 2:39 


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I would like to rebuttal.


You have RDMed me as president in the past, and have constantly RDMed cops. There is nothing wrong with me not wanting you in my office. Telling you to get out of my office is not an offense, and there were plenty of police officers up there for defense. Multiple staff members have witnessed your RDM behavior inside the White House and have already dealt with this entire situation. If any staff need to contact me my discord is Oh Goyim Oy Vey#5488



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I'm one of the staff who dealt with this in the server, and still to this point, I must say, it seems your both in the wrong. Though, admittedly, I'm also not sure how to fix this. So I'll leave it up to an administrator to deal with and put my own =Neutral bit on this. Do try to get along in the future, no? It's just a game!

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I would like to offer my point of view as i was present at the time of the altercation. AttentiveMIst is a repeat RDMer. The person in question Negero has not commited an offense, he simply asked AttentiveMist to leave as he was a threat and had RDMed the president before. The reason i believe AttentiveMist is bringing this issue to the admins is because Negero has had him punished for previous RDMing.  

IGN: Niga1Toni, Previously Niga Toni

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After talking to several staff members & users I’ll have to deny this report.

The president can ask you to leave if you are being annoying to him, I’m also adding the fact that you were punished several times for RDMing cops and RDMing the president.

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