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Prince Staff Application

Prince Charming

Should I Become a MOD To Protect & Serve The People Of This Server ?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I Become a MOD To Protect & Serve This Server ?

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Your Username:


Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:1:423691362

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Prince#5076

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: only major rule i've broken was NLR once A WEEK AGO when i was NEW to " MexicanBorderRP " ... 
i learned from that mistake & never done it since.
if i am uncertain about ANYTHING i ALWAYS Ask the Community Or A mod before hand.

Your Age:

A: 23

Your Timezone:

A: Easter standard time (GMT-5)

Time Played:

A: 1 week 

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: N/A

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: first , i feel i would make a GREAT staff member , i learn very quickly 
i'm a very fair and reasonable Person , also quite noticed among'st the "MexicanborderRP" community. 
Second reason why i should be accepted is that i take a oath & vow to protect the DarkRP/MexicanBorderRP community 
& protect this server from any FailRP as well as NOT TO ABUSE MY POWER. Too many Times i See 
people ruining the game for others weather it be 
prop Mingeing , FDA , Breaking NLR , mic spamming INVALID AOS , MISUNDERSTOOD KOS SIGNS... 
i admit i was guilty at one point but luckily i have a great admin who showed me right from wrong. 
i would love to continue in his footsteps helping other players enjoy this game mode as i feel i 
am a great communicator  
After all We all Just Want to RP in PEACE . XD

How often can you be on the server?:

A: 5 days out of the week 
     from Mid-Day to Server Restart usually 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: pretty familiar ,i Re-vised the Rules , Still Learning 

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: yes 

Have you read the TOS? 

A: yes

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, Exhibitionist, User):


PS: DRANGIA! is a little GIRL , BTW Thank You For Viewing My Application  , I Hope To hear My final decision Soon . weather i'm MOD or not its Okay Still Love The Server Either Way  🤣

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- Support

Who are you?
I have never seen you in game. Your paragraph is a JOKE. You said you started last week and already have a week played? Are you just going AFK? 

Make yourself more known on the forum/discord and be more interactive in the community and make a better application next time around boyo.



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Hello , To Kindly Answer Your Questions @Talibar Jenkins My Names Prince . 

You Might Not Have Seen Me AS YET Because I Mainly Play On The " MexicanBorderRP " Server at the moment . 

I Agree the Paragraph wasn't Much Serious ....  I Have Elaborated A Bit Further Why I Should Be Accepted & i Hope You Do Take a Look. My Utmost Apologies. 

Yes , I Have Been Playing For a Week Now ( i Only Play GMOD At The Moment its a Child Hood Game Of Mine  ,Had to Put Down Fortnite  so i've been playing GMOD A lot )  

NO i Do not Go AFK ( I Don't Condone Long period AFK ) i'm Usually Building Big Projects , Role playing Various Roles and Socializing with the entire community. ( if i Do go AFK for any reason i make sure i don't have a position of value So someone else can have fun and possibly Make Money whilst doing so ):)

I will TRY to Be more interactive with the FORUM aspect because i socialize pretty well on server ... im kinda NEW to the FORUM thing and would like some type of direction / help ( ex : where should i go ?, What Forums to visit and interact ? etc ) 

& i will Try Harder Next Time Around Chief . Thanks For the Response 


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I've seen you in game, can safely say you are not a minge and have a strong desire to RP alongside your peers. 


I give this my full Exiled recommendation. Last time I gave someone this big of an endorsement was for when Voren was applying. 

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14 hours ago, drangia! said:





-/+ Support

-Is a YouTuber, wouldn't be surprised if he would make videos of him abusing



-Bad app

-Takes the app as a joke

-Broke the rules a week ago

-Bad and generic reason to be staff


-support from me


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+seems mature



-forum content kinda shit

-he broke nlr once when he was "new" and he said it was a week ago? 


Sorry Chief, its a -support from me. From what you said in your punishment, saying you were new a week ago kinda seems like you dont know the community enough yet. Also, you created your account yesterday.

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8 hours ago, Prince Charming said:

@GB Nolan Thank you For Your Response , i am Fairly New So i understand i need to get more familiar with the MBRP Community . 

I really like how you’re not arguing like most people do. Not to be mean, but if you think you’re fairly new, you should hold off on applying until you feel you’ve made people know you. I think you should talk more on the forums, and discord (which are the best ways to get familiar with the community.) I’m going to change my vote to a +/- Neutral 

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+ not ming3

+works hard at rules and rp

+active in game

+good at taking suggestions and learning


- app could be smoother.

- could be more active on discord and forums ( pm me, i will explain good ways to get into forums and enjoy the forums community)


Good luck. I support you for staff. If not straight away do not be disheartened, you can apply again in a week or more, with added experience and having taken onboard the suggestions from comments here.


Massive + SUPPORT all up. Prince is a pleasure to have on the server. If he wants to be staff he will be motivated and work hard.

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quite mature 

active in server


not much activity in discord/forums

doesn't seem to know a whole lot of people throughout the community


I'm iffy on where you said you started playing a week ago and you have a week playtime. Though I feel like I've seen you on quite a bit longer than a week as we RP together quite often. What you're saying just doesn't really add up.

Overall I'm going to say Neutral as I think there's a few things you've got to work on, but in a few weeks time I believe you will be good to go


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@SillyBrian I Agree , It Sure Feels Longer Than a week , But According to The "MBRP" Playtime Section  .. Unfortunately it say's a week XD

I Agree a few more Weeks Of Experience & integrating Myself Further with the "MBRP" Community In Server & On Forums/Discord .  I Do Believe Then .. i Will Be not only more comfortable (as will my Peers) , but i will be Ready To Take On The Task Of Keeping Our "MBRP" Server a Safe Place To RP For All .

Thank You Every One Who Has Taken The Time To Give Actual Feedback. I Greatly Appreciate The Effort and will Take every Bit of Advice Given and Will Work That Much Harder Getting Where I Want To Be .  @Voren @Joe The Ear @GB Nolan @Lyren Trou @Synthwave @Tyler Ravage @Exiled @Talibar Jenkins @Damplips

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1 hour ago, Prince Charming said:

@SillyBrian I Agree , It Sure Feels Longer Than a week , But According to The "MBRP" Playtime Section  .. Unfortunately it say's a week XD

I Agree a few more Weeks Of Experience & integrating Myself Further with the "MBRP" Community In Server & On Forums/Discord .  I Do Believe Then .. i Will Be not only more comfortable (as will my Peers) , but i will be Ready To Take On The Task Of Keeping Our "MBRP" Server a Safe Place To RP For All .

Thank You Every One Who Has Taken The Time To Give Actual Feedback. I Greatly Appreciate The Effort and will Take every Bit of Advice Given and Will Work That Much Harder Getting Where I Want To Be .  @Voren @Joe The Ear @GB Nolan @Lyren Trou @Synthwave @Tyler Ravage @Exiled @Talibar Jenkins @Damplips

TFW your feedback isn't real.

Anyways, I think I'm actually gonna change to neutral.

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