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Cattown's Staff Application


Should Cattown be made staff?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Cattown be made staff?

    • Yes
    • No

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Your Username:

A: Cattown

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:1:160027723

Your Discord Name and #:

A: cattown7#7270

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes on my first day I didn't read the rules and got jailed for breaking NLR, after that i have not got punished, ever.

Your Age:

A: 13 years old.

Your Timezone:

A: Eastern Standard Time.

A: 55- 65 hours, give or take 5 hours, definitely over 2 days of gameplay on server .

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I don't know if you would count this, but on the Mexican border RP I have called out many rule breakers and have been in many sits with the rule breakers.  Also on a few other games i play i record hackers and have got around 16 banned.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: Why I should be accepted on to the staff team.  I should be accepted to become a staff because I have a lot of experience with cheaters/rule breakers in real life, so i can recognize when a person is cheating.  This server is the only server I play because the staff in this server are on it, they help you really fast and I want to help stop cheaters as well.  Another reason i should be accepted is that i am really friendly to all and i don't fight with others often.  Also I am a boy scout and I do loads of community service and i live by the scout oath and law daily i follow rules and i have read them multiple times.  Another reason is I am fast at learning and decision making, unless I need to make harder decisions like should this person be jailed or not or are they both free to go, I have also seen how the staff do their work and i understand how to work as a staff.  I have read the staff hand book a few times and understand the contents.  I am very trustworthy and would never abuse my powers as an admin.  Over the time i have played the game I have got more understanding what RDM, ARDM, RDA, RDK, RDT, LTAP, FRP, etc. mean and what they look like and how admins deal with that.  I am also very fair in my decision making and will not punish someone for something they didn't do.  I understand the cooldown of abilities and have called admins on people who are not waiting their time limit.  This is why you should consider me to be a staff of Mexican border RP, i will do my best to help the server stay clean of cheaters/ rule breakers, thank you for your time.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: I can be on the server on weekends and like 6:00pm to 8:00pm an weekdays besides most Wednesdays.

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes like i said in the paragraph above i have read the rules multiple times.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?:

A: Yes, after the 2+ days on the server I done a lot of things and made lots of money it wont hurt for me to loose RP time on the server, I am ready to do anything.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: I am just a User but i am thinking about donating or getting VIP.

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2 minutes ago, Cattown said:server .

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I don't know if you would count this, but on the Mexican border RP I have called out many rule breakers and have been in many sits with the rule breakers.  Also on a few other games i play i record hackers and have got around 16 banned.



Uh no this doesn't count.

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5 hours ago, Cattown said:

I should be accepted to become a staff because I have a lot of experience with cheaters in real life, so i can recognize when a person is cheating.

Not a large issue as it stands.

5 hours ago, Cattown said:

unless I need to make harder decisions like should this person be jailed or not or are they both free to go

That isn't a hard decision though..

5 hours ago, Cattown said:

A: 55- 65 hours, give or take 5 hours, definitely over 2 days of gameplay on server .

Can you screenshot your time please? You haven't made yourself quite known.


Now for the verdict.

- Doesn't follow rules

- Inactive on discord/forums where the community is prevalent

- Witnessed you being a minge

Contrary to what my peers think, being a nice guy isn't something you should + support because that isn't a bonus to an app. It's a prerequisite. 

Can't support this app. 

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12 hours ago, Heavy said:


-Active In-game

+/- Support

-Meets Minimum Requirements for staff

-Not Active on Forums or Discord



Overall its a +/- Support from me, Good Luck!!

this and i feel like you dont know enough about the rules, its a good thing you ask me a lot but you need to read over them. the rules ive told you are all written


+/- Support

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