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Your in-game name: Negero


Staff members name: JOSHUA NECKBONETREE


Staff member SteamID(STEAM_0:1:67989231)


Explain what happened: We were building in the WH when it was raided. As president, I died and respawned with the same job (glitched for some reason). Because of the raid, it would be NLR to come back to the White House, so I and the other officers who died, waited until the raid was over. When the raid was over we stepped outside, Joshua adverted terror, when we turned our crosshairs to fire at him to defend ourselves he popped into admin mode and then proceeded to do the Terrorist Suicide Bomb. This was clear abuse done to ensure I died without giving us the ability to kill him before he killed us. When we called him out for this he claimed it was an 'accident' because it was 'near the same bind.' I believe this to be false because after he adverted terror, why would he need to hit another key on his keyboard close to the terror bind if he already called it.

There are many witnesses to this event, users MageZX and walking holocaust in particular.


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!)

Kill Feed: https://gyazo.com/952815456f23583fb41e60007e9b6824

His Response: https://gyazo.com/d2a2c794273da1b5125ca43c02ae99c1

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5 minutes ago, Negero said:

When we called him out for this he claimed it was an 'accident' because it was 'near the same bind.' I believe this to be false because after he adverted terror, why would he need to hit another key on his keyboard close to the terror bind if he already called it.

Fishy. You have any video? Also let's wait for a response from him. 

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