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Andy Gonzalaz Mass Abuse


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Your in-game name:WetBackDryWallet


Staff members name:


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/):STEAM_0:1:74628837


Explain what happened:

This staff member by the name of Alex Gonzalaz Abused his powers today at about 5 am Est. Now what happened is that we were basing near Mexican spawn and we were there from about Midnight Est to when Andy Kicked us At 4:30-5. Now in that time many staff members were in our base or around it. Nobody ever said it wasn't allowed until Andy tried to raid us and failed and then came back as an mod and told us our base was against the rules. I tried to ask him multiple times to either link me or explain to me where in the rules I was breaking them, he continued to tell me that I was looking at the wrong rules and then I asked him to show me where the right set of rules where and I got Kicked from the server losing all the stuff my friends and I worked for all night long. Now during the day many of the staff members came to check out our base because we were drawing a group of trolls who andy couldnt handle btw and had to call two different staff memebers on and almost banned my friend for defending our base. These staff memeber are Jenkins and Nota Mehican.  Jenkins came over because we had too many keypads and we deleted and he signed off on our base saying nothing wrong. I usually wouldnt care I wouldve just signed off this server and never played again but Ive had quite an enjoyable time the last few days until I met this moderator,everyone in your staff team was nothing other than helpful and nice.I was talking to some of the players after this went down and they were telling me this is what happens when nobody is on other than Andy and I dont think that is the way a server should be run. 

If you need to contact me here is my profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198171073762/

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!)

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i would have considered it a mega base because it took up the house,barn and the roof. but i understand that it may have been a false kick and i apologize if so and i will accept the consequences

*and since no other staff were on at the time i wasn't to sure what to do remembering ive only been staff for 3-4 days

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1 hour ago, GetJigglyWithIt said:

we told you mutiple times that staff members previously said our base was fine you were clearly mad. You tried to raid us and failed then came as moderator on duty and kicked us without explanation on how it was a mega base and you wouldnt show me in the rules where it explained mega basing. 

1. its my job as a staff member to not be bias and i wasn't sure if you were lying 2. i explained many times how it was a mega base

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A mega base is considered a base that blocks of a large section of map/ npcs/multiple bases


You are blocking a hefty chunk of the map which would be in violation of these terms. Even in the defense of you were combining the two bases you still must follow all the building guidelines. You built out in what we would consider to be the proverbial "sidewalk". We allow small extensions but this was not one of them. 


I do have to say that the way the sit was handled wasnt grade A, but this is a trial mod who's is still learning. Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.



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