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Koromaru RDAx4


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My IGN: Lunaa

His IGN: Koromaru

His Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:156010729

What Happened: I was stabbing my party member, who was also in a discord call with me at the time. We do it all the time, knowing it doesn't damage each other, then Koromaru came up to me and arrested me, And in chat I told him to unarrest me since he was the only staff on at the time, and it was RDA because I didn't do anything illegal, and there was no president/laws at the time. He said he wouldn't unarrest me. So here we are.


Edit: He then did the same thing. again. Here's the  vid: 

Edit: Did it again: 

But wait! There's more! 


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3 minutes ago, Gurm said:

Sounds like a valid arrest to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've had countless sits where the staff thought otherwise. Just because he's head admin doesn't mean he get's to break the rules. We didn't damage anybody, we're just having fun by practicing knife fighting. 

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1 minute ago, TyerIsTop said:

You were stabbing another citizen, @Koromaru broke no rules. Next time use a little logic before submitting a report.


1 minute ago, TyerIsTop said:

You were stabbing another citizen, @Koromaru broke no rules. Next time use a little logic before submitting a report.

We never damaged anybody. There’s no reason to arrest us. No laws for having knives out. If we didn’t damage each other and he knows we’re in a party, how can he arrest us? At that point it’s just minging.

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Just now, discordlunaa said:


We never damaged anybody. There’s no reason to arrest us. No laws for having knives out. If we didn’t damage each other and he knows we’re in a party, how can he arrest us? At that point it’s just minging.

If he knows your in a party he is meta gaming. You were randomly stabbing someone for no apparent reason. You are the one minging in this situation. 

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