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CrazyPes Staff Application!


Should CrazyPes Be an Admin?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Should CrazyPes Be An Admin?

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Your Username:


Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

yes one for NLR and a FailRP I have never been banned just jailed. 

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

134 hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

I have been an admin and mods. Playing Roblox 

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): 

I want to hired as staff because I want to be able to make a change to the sever. when I get on in the morning there is very rarely more then one staff one and they have trouble keeping up with people that send in reports so by the time they get to you the person has already left. This is something I want to help with I want to help make it so when someone sends in a report they will get someone immediately to deal with it. I want to be an extra eye watching people when the lets say prop climb, That gets on my nerves. I am very familiar with all the rules as I look in it to see if something was added to them.  I want to be able to help when people will prop block spawn and no one can get out, I hate when that happens. I know that I don't talk in the forms, I read them from time to time. If I get hired I will send a lot more time on the discord, forms and the sever. I love playing on this sever this is the first sever I have ever played on Gmod and I the one I keep coming back to because I love the community. I have experience in being a mod/admin for multiple games in Roblox I have played on that platform for more then 5 years and have learned a lot of things from that, I know that I will be able to bring someone of what I learned here, but I would love to me trained in gmod. I  would like to learn from this sever so if I ever go someone were else which is highly unlikely because I have so much in this game I can take the training with me. One day I would like to be a hirer rank so I can help new mods that want to apply. I want to be the admin who wants to be a friend and someone that you look up to for help. I want to be like the first admin that I every talked to when I first join which was Scott Morgan he was the first person that really just sat there with me and he helped me learn so much and he went step by step on how to play, and that is something I will never forget. This sever has help me in dark times, the friends that I have maid from just one game is unimaginable, I want to be able to re-pay what has been my life for 3 months, getting me up in the morning to be one of the first ones on to get the best job and play for hours. I want to thank you guys for making just a special place for me and I want to thank all of you for your help, and thank you for reading my application hope I get the job. 

Thanks truly,

CrazyPes (Paul)

How often can you be on the server?:

Almost everyday.

Are you familiar with the rules?:

I am very familiar with the rules

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

Yes I am aware that I will lose time playing but I want to help make the sever a better place.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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1 minute ago, drangia! said:


Your last application was denied because you used alts to vote Yes on your application. Your forum/discord activity is pretty bad and you had a one way prop earlier that I told you to remove.

yikes chief


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3 hours ago, drangia! said:


Your last application was denied because you used alts to vote Yes on your application. Your forum/discord activity is pretty bad and you had a one way prop earlier that I told you to remove.

- support bud sorry

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