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Lil Squeaks Staff Application


Should i be accepted  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i be made staff of the Exhibition RP MBRP server

    • Yes
    • No

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Your Username:

A: Lil Squeaks

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_1:0:143551279

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Andrewkoala333#7925

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: yes about 2-3 times for rdm. why i dont remembber

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 5+ days

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: No

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: i believe i should be accepted to the staff team for a number of reasons. the first reason being i would like to help out the community and make other players experience as enjoyable as possible simply by taking as many sits as possible and being the most active i can. the second reason i think i would be a great addition to the staff team is because i have spent much of my time making sits to stop players from breaking rules. another reason i believe i should be accepted is because i very thoroughly have read and understand all of the rules. Despite past encounters with being jailed i know all of the rules now and know what and what not to do. the final reason i should be accepted to the staff team is because i am very familiar with how the sit system works i have learned from being in many sits what makes and breaks a good admin i have realized all the qualities that make an admin nice or mean i understand how to keep calm and collective and i know how to deal with certain situations.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Mon-Thurs 3-5 hours | Fri 5-7 hours | Sat& Sun 7-10 hours (maybe more)

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: i Fully understand all of the rules

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes i am very aware

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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This is my honest opinion/feedback for @Andrewkoala333



(+) Active on the server?


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre app



(-) Bad forum/discord activity

(-) Very toxic

(-) Complained about getting denied

(-) Has trouble following/enforcing the rules


My explanation behind my vote:

@Andrewkoala333 You are active on the server but you are very toxic/rude towards other players. Whenever you don't get something you always start complaining which in my opinion is not staff material. You are very inactive on the discord/forums and I don't see you enforcing the rules/answering questions in ooc. It also seems like you are trying to suck up to the staff but that's none of my business 


I recommend you to become more active on the forums/discord and get your name out there. Try being more nice to other players and answer questions in ooc.

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

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2 hours ago, drangia! said:

This is my honest opinion/feedback for @Andrewkoala333



(+) Active on the server?


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre app



(-) Bad forum/discord activity

(-) Very toxic

(-) Complained about getting denied

(-) Has trouble following/enforcing the rules


My explanation behind my vote:

@Andrewkoala333 You are active on the server but you are very toxic/rude towards other players. Whenever you don't get something you always start complaining which in my opinion is not staff material. You are very inactive on the discord/forums and I don't see you enforcing the rules/answering questions in ooc. It also seems like you are trying to suck up to the staff but that's none of my business 


I recommend you to become more active on the forums/discord and get your name out there. Try being more nice to other players and answer questions in ooc.

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

This ^


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3 hours ago, drangia! said:

This is my honest opinion/feedback for @Andrewkoala333



(+) Active on the server?


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre app



(-) Bad forum/discord activity

(-) Very toxic

(-) Complained about getting denied

(-) Has trouble following/enforcing the rules


My explanation behind my vote:

@Andrewkoala333 You are active on the server but you are very toxic/rude towards other players. Whenever you don't get something you always start complaining which in my opinion is not staff material. You are very inactive on the discord/forums and I don't see you enforcing the rules/answering questions in ooc. It also seems like you are trying to suck up to the staff but that's none of my business 


I recommend you to become more active on the forums/discord and get your name out there. Try being more nice to other players and answer questions in ooc.

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -


- Support

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4 hours ago, drangia! said:



(+) Active on the server?


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre app



(-) Bad forum/discord activity

(-) Very toxic

(-) Complained about getting denied

(-) Has trouble following/enforcing the rules


My explanation behind my vote:

@Andrewkoala333 You are active on the server but you are very toxic/rude towards other players. Whenever you don't get something you always start complaining which in my opinion is not staff material. You are very inactive on the discord/forums and I don't see you enforcing the rules/answering questions in ooc. It also seems like you are trying to suck up to the staff but that's none of my business 


I recommend you to become more active on the forums/discord and get your name out there. Try being more nice to other players and answer questions in ooc.

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

from my staff members i have to

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13 hours ago, drangia! said:

This is my honest opinion/feedback for @Andrewkoala333



(+) Active on the server?


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre app



(-) Bad forum/discord activity

(-) Very toxic

(-) Complained about getting denied

(-) Has trouble following/enforcing the rules


My explanation behind my vote:

@Andrewkoala333 You are active on the server but you are very toxic/rude towards other players. Whenever you don't get something you always start complaining which in my opinion is not staff material. You are very inactive on the discord/forums and I don't see you enforcing the rules/answering questions in ooc. It also seems like you are trying to suck up to the staff but that's none of my business 


I recommend you to become more active on the forums/discord and get your name out there. Try being more nice to other players and answer questions in ooc.

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

still never seen you on


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