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Bird's Staff Application


Bird For staff?  

13 members have voted

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    • Yes
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Your Username:

A: Bird

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:1:440085282

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Bird#5159

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes, I have been punished a couple times over my time being with Mexican Border Role Play, and being on the server. The things I have been punished for and my consequences are short Jail times (5-10 minutes). One was because I raided before the cool down.  Another was one RDM (Jail Time 5 Minutes) And NLR (2-3 Times ) 2 were 5 Minute Jail times 1 was 10.

Your Age:

A: 14

Your Timezone:

A:  US Central Time Zone

Time Played:

A: 73 Hours and 40 Minutes

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I have had some Staffing experience but only on Discord servers. (Owner, mod, admin etc.)

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I feel I should be accepted into the staff team because I am really good with reasoning with people and keeping my temper down. I do not get mad easily what so ever. I am good at typing fast (I dont know how this could help to much maybe teleporting people faster etc.) I can also be on often, I am very patient and am well with talking to people. For example if someone is getting really mad I can try to calm them down.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Every day 2-4 hours.

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: yes I am familiar with the rules.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: User

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+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Barely enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Small paragraph

-Never seen you before in game

-This is your first post on the forums (shouldn't this be denied/locked?)

-Previous punishments

-Low forum/discord activity

Overall -Support, good luck.

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9 minutes ago, [PB]Klown2020 said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Barely enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Small paragraph

-Never seen you before in game

-This is your first post on the forums (shouldn't this be denied/locked?)

-Previous punishments

-Low forum/discord activity

Overall -Support, good luck.


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9 hours ago, [PB]Klown2020 said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Barely enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Small paragraph

-Never seen you before in game

-This is your first post on the forums (shouldn't this be denied/locked?)

-Previous punishments

-Low forum/discord activity

Overall -Support, good luck.

This right here ^ 

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9 hours ago, [PB]Klown2020 said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Barely enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Small paragraph

-Never seen you before in game

-This is your first post on the forums (shouldn't this be denied/locked?)

-Previous punishments

-Low forum/discord activity

Overall -Support, good luck.

wait who?

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Just because if your short time on the server and all those punishments shows me you don’t know much about the rules and seems like if you do then you don’t really care

we want staff who know a lot about the rules and care about following them and help enforce them for the better of the server.

- Support

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15 hours ago, [PB]Klown2020 said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Barely enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Small paragraph

-Never seen you before in game

-This is your first post on the forums (shouldn't this be denied/locked?)

-Previous punishments

-Low forum/discord activity

Overall -Support, good luck.

^ This, who are you?


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