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LingLong's Staff Application

Should LingLong be staff?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Should LingLong be staff?

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Your Username:

A: LingLong

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:183373207

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Riot_LingLong.exe#2576

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes, I have been jailed and banned for 15 days for rdmx 14 and frp x 4 i believe.

Your Age:

A: 14

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 307 HRS

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I have never been staff.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: Now that it is April 1st and I have turned 14 I have learned a lot since I have started to play MBRP. When I started to play MBRP I didn’t know much but the staff was always there to help and answer my questions. They would punish me when I did wrongful things and punish people when the wronged me and I always appreciated that. I know that I have had major punishments in the past but those were very poor choices and those are behind me now. Now I would like to talk about what being staff means to me. Being staff doesn't just means having power it means having morals, it doesn't mean having the upper side in a sit it means having the power to do right, and it doesn't mean that you could do whatever you want and get away with it, it means showing integrity and being a role model for others so they are compelled to help instead of break the rules. What I am trying to say is that being staff means a good person who can shed light on dark. I would now like to talk about why I believe I deserve to become staff. I believe I deserve to become staff because I believe I fit the criteria I listed above. I dedicate over four hours a day to MBRP which means I am not just on MBRP doing whatever I feel like it means that I am dedicated to role playing and helping others which means I report wrong things when I see them or answer questions when people are in need. My second reason for why I believe I should be staff on MBRP is that I want to help others, I want to be able to help people better than I already can which means that  I will be able to punish people who like to rdm, rda, etc. or be able to answer the questions of people who have faith in the staff on the server. My third reason for why I believe I should become MBRP staff is because I've always wanted to be a role model, I have always wanted to be able to have people look up to me and want them to do good because of it, I want to be the light of someones day and be able to make them smile if they can’t themselves. My final statement is that I believe I should become part of the staff team because I believe I am a worthy role model and a mature enough person to help turn MBRP into a better place! (I wrote this on my actual birthday but decided to get my hours passed three hundred.)

How often can you be on the server?:

A: after 3 pst to 10 pst

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Very.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: Exhibitionist

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+Support Reasons

-Enough playtime

-Knows the rules

-Active in-game

+/-Support Reasons

-A bit mingey

-Support Reasons

-Previous punishments

-Paragraph is a bit generic (why are you explaining what being staff means to the staff members?)

-Low forum activity

Overall +/-Support. Good luck.

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Drangia I haven't updated the you tube channel in a while I do not intend too, the last videos on that channel were posted a while ago and I jut watch you tube on their. The reason why I do not intend to do anything to that channel because my friend and I made videos a while ago and I want to keep them the same.

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Like I said I am not changing the you tube channel because It is good memories of when I actually liked making videos, I do not enjoy making them anymore so the channel is just their collecting dust. If it is an issue than I will change but if it is not I would like to keep it the same.

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This is my honest opinion/feedback for @OverRaptor9328



(+) Active on the server


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre App

(-/+) Meh paragraph



(-) Sucks up to the staff way too much

(-) Bad discord activity

(-) Kind of mingy

(-) Immature


My explanation behind my vote:

@OverRaptor9328 Is active on the server but not really on discord/forums. Linglong tends to suck up to the staff quite often and has shown some mingy behavior these past few weeks. He made false sits like "brand let me watch your sits" or "I will give you 70mil if you unban crazypes" Which isn't very mature.


I recommend you to become more active on the discord/forums and improve your reputation with the community/

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

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Hello @OverRaptor9328. Thank you for putting in an application for MBRP Staff. I have posted my thoughts down below.

The good
Meets requirements

The meh
Previous punishments (Very close to a perma)

The bad
Kinda Mingy

Paragraph is a bit generic (why are you explaining what being staff means to the staff members?) *Quoted from Laq Law's comment*

Overall this application has my - Support I would suggest you to show more maturity around the community.

Best of luck.

Nota Mehican (MBRP Senior Moderator)


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38 minutes ago, -Unique- said:

+Support Reasons

+Active on the server


+300+ hours  

+Aware of the rules

-Not active on the Forums/Discord

-Previous punishments

Overall+Support, Good luck

you plus supported a minge?! yikes. ^ but -support

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21 hours ago, drangia! said:


(+) Active on the server


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre App

(-/+) Meh paragraph



(-) Sucks up to the staff way too much

(-) Bad discord activity

(-) Kind of mingy

(-) Immature

Agreed, as of now, it's gonna be a -Support for me. If your're able to display more maturity in game and make a better app my decision may change in the future.

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1 hour ago, Brand said:
23 hours ago, drangia! said:


(+) Active on the server


-/+ Support

(-/+) Mediocre App

(-/+) Meh paragraph



(-) Sucks up to the staff way too much

(-) Bad discord activity

(-) Kind of mingy

(-) Immature

Agreed, as of now, it's gonna be a -Support for me. If your're able to display more maturity in game and make a better app my decision may change in the future.

yes a little more mature

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