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Player's Life's staff application

Player's Life

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Your Username:

A: Player's Life

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_1:0:218820833

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Player's Life #8841

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yeah, once because i forgot to advert a couple of Times

Your Age:

A: 14

Your Timezone:

A: GMT +1

Time Played:

A: The counter shows 1 day but i actually played before and had 2 days just then so i fit i guess..

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: I was a staff manager and a co-owner. ULX is nothing new to me.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I love playing on this server but at my playing time theres just no staff members and the "Minging Time" happens because of it and I'd like to prevent that from happening. Also im looking forward to stay in the staff team and help the community.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Basically everyday for 5 or 6 hours because thats my usual playing time.

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes I am but every human can sometimes forget and that explains that one punishment.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes and im looking forward to be on duty all the Time.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: User

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A couple things. While in game, hold tab and click your name, the hours showed there are your playtime. You need 72+ Hours to apply. Secondly, we don’t use ULX on this server, and finally, you need a paragraph and not two sentences. All of that and the fact I’ve never seen you in game -Support from me

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I'm on my phone so I cant make this look all fancy but...


This has to be the most scuffed application I've ever seen

Less than 72 hours, no poll, who are you, paragraph is a short stack, thinks the server uses ulx, no forum or discord activity because this is literally your first post and you made an account just to post this, is very young (meets requirements but obviously very immature), and lastly I dont know if there is a second "minge time," but I've never seen you on during purge hour which makes me think it's a lie because I never miss a good purge hour. This might have been worse than my first application jesus...

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3 hours ago, discordlunaa said:

A couple things. While in game, hold tab and click your name, the hours showed there are your playtime. You need 72+ Hours to apply. Secondly, we don’t use ULX on this server, and finally, you need a paragraph and not two sentences. All of that and the fact I’ve never seen you in game -Support from me

^This - Support because this application is rubbish.

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+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons


-Support Reasons

-Not enough time(?)

-Previous Punishments (not a big deal)

-Terrible Paragraph

-Crappy/Low Discord/Forum activity (your staff app is your first post on the forums)

-Never seen you in-game

Overall -Support. Make sure the door hits you on the way out (I'm playing)

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9 minutes ago, Laq Law said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons


-Support Reasons

-Not enough time(?)

-Previous Punishments (not a big deal)

-Terrible Paragraph

-Crappy/Low Discord/Forum activity (your staff app is your first post on the forums)

-Never seen you in-game

Overall -Support. Make sure the door hits you on the way out (I'm playing)


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