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LingLong's Staff Application

Should LingLong become staff?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Should LingLong become staff?

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Your Username:

A: LingLong

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:183373207

Your Discord Name and #:

A: Riot_LingLong.exe#2576

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes, 14rdms and 4frps because I didn't wait the cool down for terror and being the ignorant person I was at the time I decided to use the Jihad bomb in the jail cell not knowing it would hurt anyone. At the time I didn't even have 100hrs so please excuse me for my previous actions.

Your Age:

A: 14

Your Timezone:

A: Pacific Standard Time

Time Played:

A: 397 Hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: None

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I believe I should be accepted as staff because I want to help. I know I have a messed up past but I feel that in the past few months I have changed a lot and would really be beneficial to the staff team. I have been studying the rules to make sure I know what I am talking about. I also have tried to become staff many times and the reason I keep on persisting  is because I love MBRP and I love the people on it (even Cheap N' Easy/Javinko).  I also have a lot of fun playing on the server and I want others to have the same fun but when I see people constantly not caring and braking rules it makes me mad that I am not able to do anything besides telling them to stop. All things considered, I know many people don't think I am fit to become staff but to those people who do I want to tell you that I have been preparing  to become staff since I only had 150hrs and I take this very seriously and actually want to make a difference.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: 6-10hrs a day 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes.

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: Exhibitionist

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This is my honest opinion/feedback for @OverRaptor9328



(+) None


-/+ Support

(-/+) Ok hours



(-) Mingy as hell

(-) Forum/Discord activity is not the best

(-) Bad app


My explanation behind my vote:

@OverRaptor9328 Is active on the server, but not on the forums/discord. You are also very mingy in-game and your paragraph does not explain why you would make a good staff member. 


I recommend you to become more active on the discord/forums and become less mingy,

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

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Just now, drangia! said:

This is my honest opinion/feedback for @OverRaptor9328



(+) None


-/+ Support

(-/+) Ok hours



(-) Mingy as hell

(-) Forum/Discord activity is not the best

(-) Bad app


My explanation behind my vote:

@OverRaptor9328 Is active on the server, but not on the forums/discord. You are also very mingy in-game and your paragraph does not explain why you would make a good staff member. 


I recommend you to become more active on the discord/forums and become less mingy,

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -


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1 hour ago, drangia! said:

This is my honest opinion/feedback for @OverRaptor9328



(+) None


-/+ Support

(-/+) Ok hours



(-) Mingy as hell

(-) Forum/Discord activity is not the best

(-) Bad app


My explanation behind my vote:

@OverRaptor9328 Is active on the server, but not on the forums/discord. You are also very mingy in-game and your paragraph does not explain why you would make a good staff member. 


I recommend you to become more active on the discord/forums and become less mingy,

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -

This ^ Drangia has a point

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17 hours ago, drangia! said:

This is my honest opinion/feedback for @OverRaptor9328



(+) None


-/+ Support

(-/+) Ok hours



(-) Mingy as hell

(-) Forum/Discord activity is not the best

(-) Bad app


My explanation behind my vote:

@OverRaptor9328 Is active on the server, but not on the forums/discord. You are also very mingy in-game and your paragraph does not explain why you would make a good staff member. 


I recommend you to become more active on the discord/forums and become less mingy,

Overall Vote:




(+) = Overwhelming +

(+) = Normal +


(-/+) = Neutral/Normal -/+


(-) = Normal -


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18 hours ago, maxsnipes10 said:

+ Active on the forums

+ Knows the rules

+ Has more than enough hours

+/- Semi minge

Overall + Support. Good luck! Honestly guys we should give him a chance to see how he does as staff.


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On 5/3/2019 at 8:21 PM, maxsnipes10 said:

+ Active on the forums

+ Knows the rules

+ Has more than enough hours

+/- Semi minge

Overall + Support. Good luck! Honestly guys we should give him a chance to see how he does as staff.

used to be a tumor, but the tumor has been removed

+ Support

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15 hours ago, TTV/CheapNeasy said:

From what I've actually seen from you you aren't as mingy as I originally thought. (Im not saying you aren't, you just aren't as bad) but the fact is that you're still pretty toxic. And your current title "T-mods are gay" doesn't help the minge. 

+/- Support

x Good hours


- Support

x punishments

x crap app

x mingy / semi-toxic

Overall -Support. I suggest you get out there more and actually show people who you are. And get active on discord. And change how you act in game in general. 


Honestly, I like you. But you’ve done too much against yourself before uploading this to win my, and most of our support. Calm down on the toxicity, and be kinder to to populous of the server. If this gets denied, reapply when you have your name cleared on MBRP, I wish you the best.

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On 5/3/2019 at 5:21 PM, maxsnipes10 said:

+ Active on the forums

+ Knows the rules

+ Has more than enough hours

+/- Semi minge

Overall + Support. Good luck! Honestly guys we should give him a chance to see how he does as staff.

He did not doxing me, just give him a chance.

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LingLong - I was locked in a base and wanted to leave. I wasn’t thinking. Those comments were from a while ago and just because I called someone a bitch a few times doesn’t mean I’m gonna be the worst staff member people have bad days and when your on a game flipping fake money you just want to have fun. Plus it’s not like I was actually mad I said bitch in a game where any word is aloud so if I really wanted to be toxic which isn’t needed I could’ve said worse things. I get you don’t want me to be staff but seriously  why are you posting pics trying to get people to negative support me. If you have a problem with me then please message me on discord (listed in the staff app) and we can resolve it. I am in no shape or form angry at this I would just like to know why you bring this up now. Thank you.

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15 minutes ago, Linglong - alt said:

LingLong - I was locked in a base and wanted to leave. I wasn’t thinking. Those comments were from a while ago and just because I called someone a bitch a few times doesn’t mean I’m gonna be the worst staff member people have bad days and when your on a game flipping fake money you just want to have fun. Plus it’s not like I was actually mad I said bitch in a game where any word is aloud so if I really wanted to be toxic which isn’t needed I could’ve said worse things. I get you don’t want me to be staff but seriously  why are you posting pics trying to get people to negative support me. If you have a problem with me then please message me on discord (listed in the staff app) and we can resolve it. I am in no shape or form angry at this I would just like to know why you bring this up now. Thank you.

Those pictures don't show that you are toxic.

Those pictures show that you are immature.

And those pictures were only from 6 days ago... 

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4 minutes ago, OverRaptor9328 said:

Drangia you can keep on trying to get me denied but I wont give up. I actually care about MBRP and want to help but if you can't see that then keep on doing these things on my future applications. I

Why are you toxic in ooc if you want to be staff? That's a bad move tbh. Being staff isn't caring about the gamemode, but caring about the community. It doesn't seem like you have any respect for any members of our community.

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Just now, OverRaptor9328 said:

I have lots of respect for the community, and if you don't believe that than you can keep on negative supporting me but I know there are others who do know how much care and respect I have and if thats not not you than good day.

Stop arguing on your application 

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