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Chunkle is unable to read logs


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Your in-game name:

 Dildo Baggins

Staff members name:

 Chunkle  @Chunkle

Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/)? Ex. STEAM_0:0:71487010:


Explain what happened:

 I had been dealing with a couple of troll kids for a while, and was standing outside of their base, a hitman (Giancarlo) killed the trolls (crack cocaine and Sex is papa for pp) - one in crossfire, one hit.

Both of them spawn back and then run back over to me, I'm standing on the sidewalk buying armor, sex comes up to me and steals the armor, I kill him, crack then comes up to me and does the same, and I kill him as well.

During the sit, Chunkle argues and says he doesn't see that I bought armor, even after me showing the screenshot below. He also says how is he supposed to know that they stole the armor, etc.

Chunkle refuses to listen to what I'm saying and jails me. He isn't fit for his position if he's illiterate.


I shouldn't have to be recording to avoid being jailed, if what happened isn't clear, a mod should err on the side of not punishing. This was obviously a murky situation, but Chunkle showed he is unable to handle conflict in sits, and punishes players on a whim, without any concrete evidence.

Thanks for reading, it's more than Chunkle was willing to do :)


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required!)



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-/+ support

The screenshots aren't exactly much as it doesn't show the actual sit and what occurred there, but I think it's enough to be plausible and for a more further investigation to occur.


Edit: After seeing what chuckles said, I’m changing my vote to a +support as he said himself that he had made a mistake.

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I read the logs and yes, one of them did steal one of your armor packs and you killed them, that was ok. But logs showed me you killed him before you bought the armor pack. Sorry for any confusion and if I did false punish you. I think what I did was justified but if not I apologise.

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