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FDA Jush


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Your in-game name: NiggaWiddaDick


Staff members name: Jush


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/): (STEAM_0:1:62125215)


Explain what happened: Short story FDA abuse....Shot my party member so i shot him...


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required! Saying "just check server logs" isn't evidence.)


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6 hours ago, Woona said:

Fading door abuse only counts in an Rp situation all i see is that a runner went into the kos area got killed and you the party member shot the jush, so he retreated into his base

Woona that is an RP situation. It was initiated when he decided to kill me, the reporters party member. He can not use his binds to enter his base to prevent himself from being killed as a senior mod you should know this and it should be common sense.

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8 hours ago, goober16615 said:



Having a runner enter a kos part of your base is not an rp situation. There was no raid advert and even if there was runners can't raid 

Facts bro.

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